
Bundle of utility programs to ease playing Anno 1404

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Statistics Extractor


  • [one-time setup] download, install (and reboot your computer afterwards): vc_redist
  • run the Server.exe from the zip archive which should open a command window and might require administrator rights
  • run Anno1404Calculator from local file (if not done already)
  • run Anno 1404
  • open the population overview to permanently update the number of residents or open the reeve's book
  • Tutorial


In case vcruntime140_1.dll is missing, download the vc_redist from https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads

In case nothing happens, make sure:

  • the ingame text language and the language of the calculator are identical

  • the values to be read are not covered by something else (overlay, external program, etc.; basically things you would see when running a screen capturing program)

  • The window mode of the game is set to 'windowed full screen'

  • Disable XBOX DVR

  • The correct island is selected in the statistics screen

  • The island has a long (> 8 letters) name composed from standard letters (A-Za-z) and with other islands as few characters in common as possible

    • NEGATIVE example: "Múa-1" and "Múa-2": Too short, non standard letter ú and both names only differ in one letter
  • In the center of the statistics menu the selected entry is fully visible

  • If the game window is not found (e.g. you stream it from a cloud gaming platform), then you can specify the title of the window manually. Enter ".\UXEnhancer.exe -w " (repectively ".\Server.exe -w ") followed by the title of the window in quotation marks. The string you specify is interpreted as a regular expression. This means that '.' is a wildcard and "()[]*" are reserved characters.

If you encounter any bug, feel free to contact me (e.g. open an issue) and if possible perform the following steps

  • Open the program in the console with verbose option:
  • Shift + right click on folder containing the exe file -> Open PowerShell Window -> Enter ".\Server.exe -v" (without the quotes)
  • Configure and open the store / Open the statistics screen or where the bug occurred
  • Close the program without closing any dialog in Anno
  • Send me the console output + debug_images

Use prebuild binaries

Build it yourself


Build instructions


  • copy, move, rename errors during installation: make sure that vcpkg resides on a short path (e.g. accass the folder via a drive letter)
  • vcpkg error "Please install the English language pack. Could not locate a complete toolset." -> go to visual studio installer -> visual studio communitiy -> change -> language package -> select english -> click change (bottom right)
  • if visual studio ist not installed on C:/Program Files x86 openGL (as a part of openCV) might fail to build possible fix: microsoft/vcpkg#4377 (untested) or reinstall windows kit on C:/Program Files x86 (can be more tricky than you think)