
Can't load panorama image

Opened this issue · 3 comments

nice project, but why cannot load image panorama?

NiHoel commented


thanks for your interest in the project. The program is designed to create huge panorama tours spanning multiple locations and time points. Thus the process to show a single panorama is a bit more complicated:

First you need the editor version of the program:

  1. Drop the project folder (which contains the panorama) in the highlighted area (if you do not have an equirectangular jpg panorama, you can use that one:
  2. Enter a name for the group (e.g. "Test")
  3. Click "Add panoramas" in the left pane
  4. Go to the browse tab or drag and drop the image.
  5. The panorama should be shown.

See the help section '?' how to edit panoramas and how to work with groups

What do you intend to do?

NiHoel commented

Did you use the windows binary or browser version? Does it work if you use the browse tab? Does the path contain any non-ASCII characters?

Does the demo work:
You can download the demo project here: