Welcome, brave adventurers, to the shores of the River Styx.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

STYX - a Learning Game of Greek Adventure


This team-- our team is made up of people who love to game, laugh, and build. We all have experienced the desire to be in community and a part of a common humanity. Each person in this team has fulfilled these human essentials through joining each other in throwing down cards, strategizing, and stocking up points. This app we have created is both a representation and brainchild of this inspiration and we would like to share it with you.

STYX is a four-person online game based off the Mensa Select Winner board game, Lanterns, and the ancient Greek myth of the River Styx. In ancient Greek myth, the River Styx winds its way through the entirety of the Grecian underworld, serving as the border between the lands of the living and the realms of the dead. Once the living pass away, their souls arrive on the shore of the River Styx. To cross into the underworld a payment of obols (Greek coins) must be made to Charon, the ferryman who transports souls across the river directly to the underworld. Without this payment, the dead are left drifting on the shore for one hundred years.

The four players are living mortals who seek to lay claim to a mysterious underworld treasure. To do this, they must cross into the underworld by gaining the most obols, or points, by trading in favors earned from some of the underworld's most famous and dangerous creatures. The placement of one card can affect everyone's chances of crossing the River Styx. This game is rated for anyone older than 9 and teaches spacial reasoning, strategy, problem solving, and adapting to surprising situations.


Front-End Team:
Alice & Ashley

Back-End Team: Andrew & Abigail

Graphic Design: Ashley & Abigail

We all designed this app together; it is our baby.

Demonstration Videos

  1. Gameplay Demo 1 of 3 - Overview
  2. Gameplay Demo 2 of 3 - Player Turns
  3. Gameplay Demo 3 of 3 - Game Ending