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- The Underground Hacker News Mirror
(updated hourly)
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(see below for "How to view this site")
HN Gopher is a read-only mirror for https://news.ycombinator.com/ served using the gopher protocol. I created this site for my own enjoyment, and to learn about gopher and the history of the internet before the world wide web.
The gopher protocol hasn't been supported by major web browsers since the early 2000's. Thankfully, there are still a few ways to browse Gopherspace in the modern age:
Use lynx from the command line
$ lynx gopher://hngopher.com
Floodgap provides a proxy gateway that converts gopher sites to HTTP so they can be viewed in your browser: http://gopher.floodgap.com/gopher/gw?a=gopher%3A%2F%2Fhngopher.com
The official server runs on Debian 8.7, but it should work on any Linux system that's capable of building gophernicus. There's a deploy.sh
script included in the repo that can be used
to install the server and associated scripts. The gophernicus service is managed by systemd and listens on port 70 by default.
Gopher pages are stored as static files in the /var/gopher directory. Files are continuously updated by cron jobs
that ping the Hacker News API and Algolia HN Search API.
$ git clone https://github.com/michael-lazar/hn-gopher.git
$ cd hn-gopher
$ sudo ./deploy.sh
This project is not affiliated with, maintained, authorized, endorsed or sponsored by the Y Combinator company.