
A simple typewriter text animation wrapper for flutter.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

TypeWeriter Text Dall-E Logo

Type Writer Text

A simple typewriter text animation wrapper for flutter, supports iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.




Add this line to your pubspec.yaml.

  typewritertext: ^3.0.5


First, import the typewriter package.

import 'package:typewritertext/v3/typewriter.dart';

And use it like this

  'lorem ipsum dolot sit amet ...',
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),

And for the builder, you need to initiate a controller like this one.

final controller = TypeWriterController(text: 'Hello World',
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),

// also if you want the typewriter to not only changing
// the character but also words, you can use this controller.

final valueController = TypeWriterController.fromValue(
    'First Paragraph', 
    'Next Paragraph', 
    'Last Paragraph',
  duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 50),

  controller: controller,
  builder: (context, value) {
    return AutoSizeText(
      maxLines: 2,
      minFontSize: 2.0,


Full documentation here.

Property Purpose
repeat Specifies whether the animation should repeat once completed (default is false).
enabled Is the flag to play the animation or not.
maintainSize Specifies whether the size of the layout text should be maintained.
duration Delay time between each character.
alignment Alignment of the text layout.
text The text to be displayed during the typewriter animation.
controller Controller for the animation.
onChanged Callback function for when the text is changed.
builder Builder for the widget.
textAlign Alignment of the text.
style Style of the text.
maxLines Maximum number of lines to be displayed.
overflow Overflow behavior of the text.
semanticsLabel Semantics label of the text.
softWrap Specifies whether the text should break at soft line breaks.
strutStyle Strut style of the text.
locale Locale of the text.
textDirection Text direction of the text.
textHeightBehavior Text height behavior of the text.
textWidthBasis Text width basis of the text.
selectionColor Color of the selection.
onFinished Is a callback that triggered when the animation is done. This requires [enabled] as true and repeat as false.
