
Fast scrolling like in Google Photos App

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


ScrollBar it is the fast way to scroll through the scroll views, for example table view or collection view. And it has a small hint view with a text.



Just copy the ios-ScrollBar/ScrollBar.swift source file to your project. Or contact me if you want to install it through CocoaPods or Carthage, I'll make it happen :) Just open an issue.


  • Create an instance passing a scroll view. ScrollBar retains the scroll view, but don't worry until you don't passing self in the init :)
self.scrollBar = ScrollBar(scrollView: tableView)
scrollBar.dataSource = self
  • Add conformance of ScrollBarDataSource to your dataSource. All methods are optional and have default implementation, so you can easily check it out in action
/// A control view which you drag to scroll. Default is simple grey circle
func view(for scrollBar: ScrollBar) -> UIView
/// Distance between the control view and the right screen edge. Default 30pt
func rightOffset(for scrollBarView: UIView, for scrollBar: ScrollBar) -> CGFloat
/// Position of the hint view by X coordinate. Default is the middle of the scroll view's bounds
func hintViewCenterXCoordinate(for scrollBar: ScrollBar) -> CGFloat
/// A text describing current point in the scroll view. If `nil` the hint view is hidden
func textForHintView(_ hintView: UIView, at point: CGPoint, for scrollBar: ScrollBar) -> String?


You can try to scroll in the demo project ios-ScrollBar.xcodeproj


Swift 4.2 iOS 10.3+