
This simple script is intended to ease writing tables in LaTeX. Given a table file, the script prints out the corresponding LaTeX tabular environment containing the data.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

LaTeX table printer

This simple script is intended to ease writing tables in LaTeX. Given a table file, the script prints out the corresponding LaTeX tabular environment containing the data.


The script can be executed in two different ways: directly from the command line or as a python function which can be imported by other programs/scripts or inside a Python shell. In any case, the script works using three arguments:

  • The file name or path.
  • Separator between elements of a row.
  • Whether or not the row names are included in the printing.

Running the script from the command line:

The script can be called as a normal Python script followed by the file name or path as:

$ python latex_table_printer.py [FILE] [OPTIONS]
  • Options:

    • -s, --sep

      If passed, the program requires the user to input the separator, otherwise tab is assumed by default.

    • -r, --rownames

      If passed, the row names (first column) is ommited when printing the table.

Using as a Python function

From a Python shell or inside another Python script, import the module and calling the corresponding function with the desired arguments:

from latex_table_printer import *

print_latex_table(filename, sep = '\t', rownames = True)
  • Arguments:

    • filename [str]

      The file name or path where the data is stored. It is supposed that each line corresponds to a row of the table.

    • sep [str]

      Optional, '\t' (tab) by default. Separator between entries/cells of the table. For instance, if the file is in .csv format, the separator should be a comma (',').

    • rownames [bool]

      Optional, True by default. Determines if the first column (typically, where the row names are) of the table should be included.


The file example.csv contains the following table in .csv format:

x y
A 1 2
B 3 4
C 5 6

If the user runs the script on this file, should obtain the following:

$ python latex_table_printer.py example.csv -s
Specify the separator character: ,
