This repository contains code for the OpenFOAM Tutorials YouTube channel: Upcoming tutorials: -Structural Analysis in OpenFOAM -FanWing Simulation in OpenFOAM (3D) -Cyclorotor Simulation in OpenFOAM -Compiling Custom Mesh Motion in OpenFOAM: Nested AMI Regions -Compiling Custom Code in OpenFOAM: Nested AMI Regions -Compiling Custom Code in OpenFOAM: AMI Ramped Rotation Speed -Does Drafting Reduce Drag? -How Do Truck Flaps (Aft Flaps, Container Skirts) Reduce Drag? -Gmsh tips: -point in surface for unstructured mesh size control. -ce++ instead of manual identifiers. -Include ""; -Boundary{} -Duplicata{} -Spalart Allmaras Rotation / Curvature Correction Model (SARCM) -Validation of SARCM -Dispersion of spray in a room or wind tunnel -Design of HVAC ducts -3D axisymmetric N-S propeller simulation -Design of supersonic nozzle -Basic electromagnetics simulation -OpenFOAM Meshing: Gmsh STL + snappyHexMesh Tutorial -OpenFOAM Light Optimization Tips: -Reordering -Potential initialization -How to Run OpenFOAM in Parallel with OpenMPI -How to do Post-Processing in ParaView -Conjugate Heat Transfer in OpenFOAM -Hyperloop with Compressor Simulation -Rolling tube in supersonic flow (CHT) If you would like to see a tutorial listed above or have a suggestion of your own, let me know through the YouTube channel!