
Play Arkanoid on a web page served by an ESP32

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Play Arkanoid on a web page served by an ESP32.

The Arkanoid game is served by an ESP32 to a web browser on a desktop computer or a smartphone and you can move the cursor with two physical buttons attached to the ESP. A third button enters automatic mode, i.e. the cursor moves automatically all the time.

It is also possible to play with a mouse or a touch screen, so if you only want to make a quick test, it is possible even without connecting buttons to the ESP.

The idea behind this project was to test the ESPAsyncWebServer library, especially the communication through WebSocket.

This program was tested with an esp32doit-devkit-v1 and an ESP32 M5Stack Core.

It must be compiled with PlatformIO.

The game engine is written in JavaScript with the threejs library. I reused their example at https://threejs.org/editor/ (click on Examples/Arkanoid in the top left menu and then on Play).

The implementation of the game is very basic and is not complete (and probably never will be).

Arkanoid on ESP32

Arkanoid on ESP32


Create the file src/WifiSettings.h manually and fill it in with the code below. Change the default values to make them meaningful. The mac address of the ESP32 will be automatically added to ap_ssid so that you can flash multiple ESPs with the same code, making sure their SSIDs are different.

#pragma once
const char *ssid = "...";          // SSID of your WiFi router.
const char *password = "...";      // Password of your WiFi router.
const char *ap_ssid = "ARKANOID-"; // SSID of the ESP32 WiFi network in soft-AP mode (15 char max).
const char *ap_password = "";      // Password of the ESP32 WiFi network in soft-AP mode.
                                   // Must be 8 char min or empty for no password.

Change the board type (env_default flag) in platformio.ini. Any ESP32 should work.

So if you have a regular ESP32 the env_default flag should be:

env_default = esp32doit-devkit-v1

But if you have a M5STACK, it should be

env_default = m5stack-core-esp32

The Arkanoid game will be served by the ESP32. So you need to upload the files by running the command below in a terminal so that the ESP32 can serve them to the browser. Alternatively, you can also use the "Upload Filesystem Image" function in the PlatformIO functions sidebar.

platformio run --target uploadfs

You can open the terminal directly in platformio with the rightmost button in the status bar in the bottom left of the vscode window.

PlatformIO status bar terminal button

If you want to control the game from the ESP, you need to connect three buttons to it. Change BUTTON_A_PIN, BUTTON_B_PIN and BUTTON_C_PIN in platformio.ini according to the pins to which you have connected the buttons.

Now you can upload the code to the ESP32. Once it is done, open a serial monitor and reboot the ESP. There will be two IP addresses displayed:

STATION IP address:
SOFT-AP IP address:

If the STATION IP address is that means your ESP is not connected to your WiFi network, but it is anyway possible to configure your computer or smartphone to connect directly to the WiFi network created by the ESP with the credentials you set in src/WifiSettings.h. The IP will be SOFT-AP IP address.

If you have a M5STACK, you don’t need to open the serial monitor, the information will be displayed on the M5STACK screen.


Open your browser and go to STATION IP address or SOFT-AP IP address depending on your configuration. You should see a welcome page. Click on Arkanoid and play with your mouse or with the buttons attached to the ESP.


Dependencies are defined under lib_deps in platformio.ini and are therefore automatically downloaded by PlatformIO when you open the project or when you build it.

I used the following example to make the ESPAsyncWebServer library work: https://gist.github.com/dsteinman/f792f0af25ce6d7d1db4b62d29dd4d9e

2019, ouilogique.com