Echo client and server with threads

This is a simple implementation of an echo server and echo client.

An echo server listens for (TCP) connections, and echos back whatever it receives on any connection until the client closes the connection. The server uses threads so that it can concurrently handle an arbitrary number of connections.

The echo client connects to an echo server, and sends anything from stdio to the server, and writing anything it receives from the server to stdout.

Building and running

To build the client and server, clone this repository and run

cargo build

in the the rust-echo-client-server directory.

Then you can run the server with either:

cargo run --bin echo_server



Similar commands will start echo_client.

Because the server is threaded, you should be able to start multiple clients in different shells and connect to the same server at the same time. Those clients can also be on a variety of machines as long as those machines have network access to the machine running the server.

Command line arguments

Both the client and server take command line arguments to specify either the IP address or the port (or both) that you're connecting listening on/connecting to. These default to (localhost) and 7707. (The "standard" port for the echo protocol is 7, but many systems prevent user code from listening on ports less than 1,000 without being root.)

The command line flags are:

  • -i, --ip-address <IP_ADDRESS> The IP address to connect to [default:]
  • -p, --port The port number to connect to [default: 7707]

To specify these when using cargo run you need to add -- at the end of the command before providing any command line flags, e.g.,

cargo run --bin echo_server -- --port 60606

If you're running the binary directly (e.g., target/debug/echo_server), then you don't want the --, e.g.,

target/debug/echo_server --port 60606


The server provides some simple logging of connections. For most shells, prefixing the command that starts the server with RUST_LOG=info , e.g.,

RUST_LOG=info cargo run --bin echo_server

will enable that logging.