
Programming Assignment: Understanding Web Caching --A simulation Submission: November 7th, 11.59 PM. Goal: To understand the impact of web cache and implementation issues. Project Deliverable: A network client that generates HTTP requests and a server that simulates a real web server as well as a proxy web server Specification 1: The client should generate around 100-1000 (not necessarily unique/distinct) URL requests for each experiment in increments of 100: 100, 200, 300, 400,..., 1000. The client program should measure the time from the request submission to the time that the entire response was received. The following table should be displayed: #Requests | Avg. Response Time | Median Response Time 100 200 300 .. ... Specification 2: The web server receives requests from the client and serves the requests in the following manner. Direct Mode: In Direct mode, the Web server acts like a distant webserver and takes some "time" before responding to the client. The time that the server takes is to simulate the real-life scenario of dealys like network delays, propagation delays and processing delays. Proxy Mode: In Proxy mode, the web server parses the HTTP request to generate the query string. The web server then consults an index (the web cache) to see if that request was previously made. If the request was previously made, then the web server finds a match and responds to the client immediately. If the request not previously made the web server adds the request to the cache after serving the request in Direct mode (and adding all the necessary delays as well). For the purposes of the experiments you can assume that the cache is infinite. #Request | Mode of Response | Time Taken 1 2 3 ... ... 200 Important implementation challenges to consider:

  1. How to simulate the randomness of the web server (proxy vs direct mode)?
  2. How to implement the web cache? (Hint: DBMS course)
  3. Different libraries have different time overheads. You can explore implementing lookup etc using first principles and see the difference. Deliverables
  4. and server.pyE.g.,,
  5. Any README file.
  6. If you have made multiple implementations of the web cache you can submit either multiple files as follows: E.g., and write down in the README file as to what you have done in such a file.
  7. Hard deadline and file naming conventions. No other submission format is allowed (zip, jpeg, pdf, doc etc).
  8. Submission form will be shared with you. Please follow submission instructions carefully.