
Capital One Summit Winning Submission:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Software Engineering Summit 2020 Challenge

Crave: Capital One SWE Summit 2020 Challenge Winner

Crave is a web application that uses Yelp's Fusion API to help users pick a restaurant or experience. The app obtains user location via HTML5 Geolocation and plots merchants on a map based on search terms and search rules.



  • Deployed web application
  • Uses Yelp's Fusion API
  • Plot merchants on a map
  • Obtain user location via HTML5 Geolocation

Additional Features

  • Users can refine a search by different parameters (open now, best match, rating, etc.)
  • Users recieve information about the distance in miles and time to reach a business
  • Users can request more businesses
  • Users can select an item from the list to view its location on the map and the route to get there
  • Users can view the Yelp page for a merchant by clicking on the title of the business from the list or a map marker


Built With

What I learned

Before working on this project, I had never wrote a single line of HTML or CSS and I had very little experience in Javascript. I had originally planned on building my first website over the summer, but now time was no longer a luxury. I found the challenge to be overwhelming - I had never done anything close to building a website, and had no clue where to even begin. After going through the requirements and spending days trying to learn a framework such as React and Vue.js, I made little to no progress and considered not pursuing the challenge.

I decided to go back to basics with vanilla Javascript. As soon as I did this, I started making measurable progress. Although JS frameworks/libraries can be extremely powerful and help clean up code, I found that they abstracted away a lot of code, which made it difficult for me to understand what was happening behind the scenes. This is why I used vanilla Javascript with JQuery and Axios for modifying HTML and making API requests respectively.

This challenge was an amazing opportunity that made me really push myself to see what I could accomplish with a fundamental understanding of CS in a two week time frame. I have learned so much from working with these different languages, and I still have a long way to go as a developer. Overall this challenge was very fun and I enjoyed working on this project - thank you!


Hello, my name is Nicholas Lin and I am a first-year computer science study in the School of Engineering at UVA. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, feel free to email me at nicholaslin@email.virginia.edu.