Find your next study group
Study Connect is our group project for "Project Option 4: Virtual Study-Buddy Finder" for CS 3240.
- Go to your profile and add your information! Try adding some UVA courses to your schedule as well.
- Go to the discussion board and make a post. Try editing and deleting the post. View some other interesting posts.
- Go to the group feature and create a group of your own.
- Go to the finder feature and find a study buddy. See if you can message them or add them to your group.
- In the finder feature, find a group for one of your classes and join it!
- Profile
- Users can add UVA courses to their profile
- Users can customize their profile with their own information
- Users can view other users' profiles
- Users can message other users'
- Groups
- Users can create their own groups for courses
- Users can join other groups
- Users can leave groups
- Groups auto-generate Google Meet links upon creation
- Finder
- Users can find users that are in the same course
- Users can find groups for a course that they are taking
- Discussion
- Users can create, edit, and delete their own discussion posts
- Users can view other users' posts
- Users shall be able to save their course schedule with their account.
- Users can add courses to their profile. These courses are validated as a valid course using the UVA Devhub Schedule API on the "/courses" endpoint.
- Users shall be able to identify where they need the most help and where they can help others.
- We made the decision to frame our website around the idea that help is mutually provided by way of a study buddy or studdy group in the same class. Therefore, a user can denote that they want help in a class by adding the course to their schedule. If a user explicitly wanted to identify where they needed the most help or where they can provide help, they may do so using the discussion feature.
- The system shall automatically generate study buddies or study groups or the system shall allow users to form their own groups.
- Users can form their own groups by creating a group or using the finder feature to identify a group and join it
- The system shall provide a mechanism for students to meet up virtually (no in person meet ups for this!). Options could include generating Google Meet links, a Discord bot companion app, managing Zoom IDs, etc.
- Users can message other users by selecting the "message" button when viewing another user's profile. This allows user's to communicate and discuss when to meet up. Additionally, a unique Google Meet link is generated when a group is created.
- We leveraged the Google Calendar API to automatically generate google meet links for each group.
- A list of references can be found in references.txt file