
Minecraft Bingo 1.18+ Plug-In

Primary LanguageJava

Nick's Fork of BingoReloaded

Credit to Steaf23 for the original plugin! This fork is by NicholasBottone.

Fork Features

This fork intends to modify the plugin to be more suitable for use in tournaments and other competitive settings. It adds features that help to meet this use case, but might also break features that are not relevant to this use case. Check out the original plugin if you want a more vanilla experience.

  • Adds a timer that automatically stops the game after it expires. The timer can be configured in the config.yml file.
  • Automatically assigns players to teams when they join the game based on their assignment in the teams.yml file.

Future feature wishlist:

  • Item scoring by speed, not just completion (ie. 1st = 100 pts, 2nd = 80 pts, 3rd = 60pts, etc.) - I can do this in a spreadsheet if this is too hard to add, it'd just be cool to have live scoring in-game
  • Ability to teleport to your teammates (right clicking an item rather than a command maybe?)
  • Hotbar item that you can just right click to go up 50 blocks rather than typing in a command
  • Players able to pre-add to teams beforehand
  • Customizable bingo card (I know the original one has this, I just want to put some work into better cards)
  • Timer auto-stops game like normal
  • Ability to change the players loadout if needed (ie. pic, axe, etc.)