
Brown Esports Discord Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Brown Esports Discord bot

This is a private bot for Brown Esports. Most of this bot is hardcoded, feel free to @ me on our Discord before adapting this code for your server.


This project's official formatter is Prettier. This project's official package manager is Yarn.

To contribute, clone the repository, execute yarn, copy .env.example into .env, add your Discord Bot token, then execute yarn start.

Every time you pull from the repository, execute yarn, then yarn start.

Current Feature Branches:

None (Git Flow not configured as I'm working solo)


  • 6/9/2020 - Ported code from an older bot, including broadcast, announcements, changelogs, etc
  • 6/10/2020 - Created the "fragile counting game", a game where the streak can be broken
  • 7/10/2021 - Private voice channels with a prefix become visible only when they are not empty


Isaac Kim

  • Working on fixing bugs in the counting games (6/10/2020)

Salvador Brandi

  • Bot Introductions to competitive games channels (8/27/2020)