Rangle Elm-Workshop


Before attending the workshop, please clone this repo, install the elm platform, elm-format, and integrate these with your editor of choice. This will help us jump right in!

Install platform and elm-format


There can be some weirdness installing elm with yarn/npm and integrating with you editor if you use npm + nvm + VSCode due to some path stuff.

Your best bet is to install the binaries to /usr/local/bin instead, and make sure that's on your path ( if you can run elm / elm-format from the command line, you're good!)

If that fails, try the accepted method of npm install -g elm elm-format

Integrate with VS Code

Integrate with Atom

  • Install language-elm package
  • Install elm-format package
  • Install elmjutsu for autocomplete (do not follow the default instructions for language-elm, won't work for 0.19)

Integrate with other editors

:grimace: I have no idea :P.

Mostly it's important to get elm-make running automatically on save to see compile errors in your editor in real-time, and to have elm-format run to make your code look nice


Workshops Links

Part 1 - Syntax

Part 2 & 3 - Rendering HTML + CSS

Part 4 & 5