Table of Contents

  1. Purpose
  2. mvp
  3. Outcomes
  4. Technologies
  5. Reflection
  6. Credits


The goal of the project is to create a quiz game using the Pokemon characters from the Pokemon API. The game should be able to display an image of a pokemon and the user attempt to identify the right answers using the given pokemon names.


  • Fetch the Api and able to randomly display a Pokemon Image & three random answers (1 right and 2 wrongs).
  • The user should be able the user a GUI to pick the answers.
  • The game should be able to identify whether the user answer match with the image (correct answer)

Beyond MVP:

  • Should be able to count the number of rounds.
  • Should be able to track the number of correct answer.
  • Should have a reset button to restart the game.


Low-Fidelity: lowfidelitywf

High-Fidelity: highfidelitywf


The purpose of this project is to improve my Logic thinking, Computational Thinking and Problem Solving, trying to breaking down problems in small chunks, making easier to solve them. In addition, this will be an opportunity to put into test my Javascript fundamentals and manipulating the DOM as well as fetching api and understand its data structure. The project is also intented to experiment and play with the code and not be afraid of destroy code and try new things.

  • DOM manipulation.
  • API fetch and data manipulation.
  • Logical thinking and problem solving.
  • Planning the whole process.


  • CSS ( CSS to styles some of the element to make the website more attractive)
  • HTML ( HTML will be used to give a scheletron of the website)
  • Javascript (Create functionalities and get data from API)


Working in progress (Reflection will be out once completed)


Nicholas Gomis

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