
Primary LanguageVim Script

dot and config files for stuff

Process for new machine

  • Downloading apps

    • Slack
    • Firefox / Chrome
    • Docker
    • Spotify
    • Vscode
      • settings sync extension
    • iTerm2
      • Install theme (Gruvbox currently)
      • NerdFonts
  • Installing stuff

    • install brew
      • brew install tmux
      • brew install npm
      • brew install node
      • brew install yarn
      • brew install nvim ?
      • brew install fzf
      • brew install rg
    • install nvim
    • sym link approrpriate dot files inside these repo
      • ln -s ~/.../dot-files/zsh/.zshrc ~/.zshrc
        • zsh
          • zsh comes with iTerm2 automatically
          • when exporting $ZSH inside of .zshrc the user is hard coded which causes problems if not the same
        • nvim
          • download
          • install plug
          • :PlugInstall
          • TECH DEBT
            • currently you're symlinking from the ~/.config/nvim/init.vim which is the method when transfering from vim to nvim
            • When you move everything to LUA to take advantage of nvim fully you should symlink to .config instead or have 2 symlinks
        • bash
          • already installed
        • tmux
          • brew install
        • Git
          • author change
          • have to add personal token.
    • install NerdFont
    • install Haskell
      • TODO
  • Repos

    • from harddrive
    • maybe determine a protocol to store files in the hard drive
  • Logins

    • Download lastpass extension for whichever browser choosen
    • should I right a script for each of the logins? so I don't have to manually open all that shit
    • Gmail kobenkao@gmail.com etc.
    • Github


  • Think about moving from oh my zsh and running zsh by itself to understand zsh shell more
  • Update nvim to lua and organize plugins and configs in a neater file format structure
