Inventory Management System

WGU Project 2020

Developed By : @NicholasKoldys


This project was developed for WGU's "SOFTWARE I - OBJECT ORIENTED APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT". The purpose of the project invokes the practice of object-oriented design and is developed in the programming language Java. It introduces a graphical user interface seperated into 2 sections, manipulation of parts and products. Each Product has its associated parts, and each type has its defined attributes/fields. The application gives the user the ability to manipulate the 2 types' attributes/fields by the basic CRUD principles, Create, Read, Update, and Delete, with alerts/prompts on warnings and confirmations.


  • Classes and Interfaces
  • Object-Oriented Principles
  • Application Development
  • Exception Handling
  • User Interface Development

Demo of the application

Please follow the link: Video and picture demo of this project

How to run the application from source code

You must have Apache's Maven installed and correctly setup on your computer. Open the project directory "inventory-management-system" in a command line interface (cli), and type the following command..

mvn clean javafx:run

For more information, please read "How to initially build this project".

Interested in the build process

Please follow the link: How to initially build this project

Interested in the repository's structure

Please follow the link: How this project was created

Application's GUI mock-up

Please follow the link: GUI Mock-up

Application's UML Class Diagram

Please follow the link: UML Class Diagram