MATSO - Metro Area Transit Status Observer

Java Customer Management System Prototype, mvc pattern, dashboard GUI, statistical graphs on user data, seperation of user privileges (high > low), repository data access, with backend database through SQL queries.

WGU Project 2020

Developed By : @NicholasKoldys


This project was developed for WGU's "SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT - CAPSTONE". The purpose of the project combines all subjects of the software development degree's curriculum. The project's application is developed in the programming language Java. The background of the project focuses on a well defined imaginary company or entity and sets out to solve a problem through a software application. The processes involved focus on the software development lifecycle and all of its necessary documents and tasks. The documents have not been included due to constraints, however, the source code of the end project is viewable and runnable with the necessary java capable environment. The application introduces a graphical user interface connected to a remote database. The application tracks buses, routes, and various attributes, while displaying information in graphs and charts. The application allows multiple users, with seperate permsissions pertaining to each. Upon login the user with enhanced permsissions will be allowed to manipulate the data with CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete), while the user with minimal permissions will be allowed dashboard and report viewing with no data manipulation capabilities.

Demo of the application

To view the application in short video snippets - Please follow the link: Video and picture demo of this project

How to run the application from source code

The app can easily be run within its project folder and with the java development kit (jdk 15<).
The project is set to use gradle's build system and can be run with the following commands.

cd "metro-area-transit-status-observer"
gradlew run

or if you are using windows, you can simply run the windows .bat script by double-clicking the file in the projects directory.. gradlew.bat.

To view a quick video running the app - Please follow the link:
Video and picture demo of this project

Please Do Not Use the application in a production environment.

The application has not been fully tested and is only availble through its source. The database used (HSQLDB) is for testing purposes only.

Interested in the run process

Please follow the link: How to initially run this project

Interested in the repository's structure

Please follow the link: How this project was created

Application's GUI Wireframses

Please follow the link: GUI Wireframes

Application's UML Class Diagram and Entity Relation Diagram

Please follow the link: UML and ERD / Project Structure Explaination