The application is in two parts: client and server. The client is a React application. The server is written using Django.

The value $ROOT_DIR refers to the directory containing this file.

Client installation

  1. ~$ cd $ROOT_DIR/client
  2. Install Yarn:

Yarn version: 1.22.4 Node version: 14.5.0 NPX version: 6.14.5

  1. Install application dependencies

~$ yarn

  1. Run application

~$ yarn start

Server installation

Python version: 3.8.3

  1. ~$ cd $ROOT_DIR/server
  2. Create virtualenv

~$ python3.8 -m venv .

  1. Activate virtualenv

~$ source ./bin/activate

  1. Install dependencies

~$ pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Run migrations

~$ python migrate

  1. Run application

~$ python runserver

Application usage

Login and register

There is no session caching to allow easy local testing of different user accounts.