
Example firmware and board files for the Pocket AVR Programmer

Primary LanguagePython

Pocket AVR Programmer

Pocket AVR Programmer
Pocket AVR Programmer (PGM-09825)

This is a simple to use USB AVR programmer, that works with ATmega168 and ATmega328 and should work well with all the AVR micros supported by AVRDUDE.

Repository Contents

  • /Enclosure - 3D model of enclosure for this (.stl).
  • /Drivers - Windows 7 drivers for use with this programmer.
  • /Firmware - Firmware that ships on the Pocket AVR Programmer.
  • /Hardware - All Eagle design files (.brd, .sch).


  • Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the Pocket AVR Programmer.
  • Installing an Arduino Bootloader - Example of installing an Arduino bootloader on an Atmega328P-based microcontrollers (i.e. Arduino Uno and RedBoard Programmed with Arduino) through the Arduino IDE and command line using avrdude.

License Information

The hardware is released under Creative Commons Share-alike 3.0. The firmware is based off of:

  • USBtiny by Dick Streefland
  • USBtinyISP by Limor Fried and is a collaboration with Limor Fried currently.