
A a python module for working with matrices and vectors.

Primary LanguagePython

Documentation for the matrix module

The matrix module implements calculating with matrices and vectors in python. Matrices are stored in two dimensional lists.


  • Classes
    • matrix.Matrix
    • matrix.Vector(Matrix)
  • Private Functions
    • matrix._copy
    • matrix._flatten
    • matrix._cut
    • matrix._all
    • matrix._extend
  • Public Functions
    • matrix.normalized
    • matrix.isLinearIndependent
    • matrix.zero_matrix
    • matrix.identity_matrix
    • matrix.add
    • matrix.multiply
    • matrix.power
    • matrix.scale
    • matrix.trace
    • matrix.determinant
    • matrix.minor
    • matrix.transpose
    • matrix.triangular
    • matrix.gaussian_elimination
    • matrix.cramers_rule
    • matrix.inverse
    • matrix.rank
    • matrix.eigenvalues
    • matrix.diagonalize



def __init__(self, entries: list)

Initialization method for creating a (m × n) Matrix. __init__ expects a two dimensional list. The given list should contain m lists each containing n elements. Elements allowed are: int, float.


__init__([  [a_{11}, a_{12}, a_{13}],
            [a_{21}, a_{22}, a_{23}],
            [a_{31}, a_{32}, a_{33}]

will yield

$$\left( \begin{array}{ccc} a_{11} & a_{12} & a_{13} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & a_{23} \\ a_{31} & a_{32} & a_{33} \end{array} \right)$$

def row(self, j: int) -> list

When called on a matrix, the j-th row of the matrix will be returned as a list. If j is out of bounds and IndexError will be raised.

def col(self, i: int)

When called on a matrix, the i-th column of the matrix will be returned as a list. If i is out of bounds and IndexError will be raised.

def set_row(self, r: list, j: int)

When called on a matrix, the j-th row will be set to the elements in given list r. The given list has to match the dimension of the Matrix. If this is not the case an AssertionError will be raised.

def set_col(self, c: list, i: int)

When called on a matrix, the i-th column will be set to the elements in given list c. he given list has to match the dimension of the Matrix. If this is not the case an AssertionError will be raised.

def empty(self, n: int, m: int)

When called on a matrix, the matrix will be set to the Zero Matrix (m × n). The matrix will be set to a new object upon call.


empty(4, 3)

will yield

$$\left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right)$$

def entries(self)

When called on a matrix, the two dimensional list (as described above) of all elements of the matrix will be returned.

def m(self)

When called on a matrix, the number of rows will be returned.

def n(self)

When called on a matrix, the number of columns will be returned.

def __getitem__(self, key)

When called on a matrix, the elements specified in key will be returned. Valid Keys: Let $i, j \in \mathbb{N}0$ and $A = (a{ij})_ {n,m}$

  • $\text{matrix}[i,j]$ will yield $a_{j+1,i+1}$ of $A$.
  • $\text{matrix}[-1, i]$ will yield $[a_{i+1, 1}, ..., a_{i+1, n}]$ of $A$.
  • $\text{matrix}[i]$ will yield $a_{1, i+1}, ..., a_{m, i+1}$ of $A$.


matrix = Matrix([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
matrix[0, 0] == 1
matrix[2, 1] == 8
matrix[-1, 1] == [4, 5, 6]
matrix[2] == [3, 6, 9]

def __setitem__(self, key, value)

When called on a matrix, the elements specified in key will be set to value. Valid keys: Let $i, j \in \mathbb{N}0$ and $A = (a{ij})_ {n,m}$

  • $\text{matrix}[i,j]$ will set $a_{j+1,i+1}$ to the value of value.
  • $\text{matrix}[-1, i]$ will set $[a_{i+1, 1}, ..., a_{i+1, n}]$ to value.
  • $\text{matrix}[i]$ will set $a_{1, i+1}, ..., a_{m, i+1}$ to value.

def __eq__(self, other)

Returns true if the matrix of self equals the matrix of other. Equality is there by defined as $\forall i,j: a_{ij} = b_{ij}$ with $A = (a_{ij})_ {n,m}$ and $B = (a_ij)_ {n,m}$

def __add__(self, other)

def __sub__(self, other)

def __mul__(self, other)

def __rmul__(self, other)

def __abs__(self)

Returns the determinant of given determinant. An assertion error is raised if the matric is not quadratic.

def __bool__(self)

Returns true of the matrix is the Zero Matrix else false.

def __iter__(self):

def __next__(self):

def __str__(self)

Prints a string representation of the matrix to the console. Numbers are rounded to two decimal places.


def __init__(self, *args)

Initialization method for creating a (m × 1) Vector. __init__ expects a
list. The given list should contain m elements allowed are: int, float.



will yield

$$ \begin{bmatrix} a_{1} \\ a_{2} \\ a_{3} \end{bmatrix} $$

def empty(self, n)

def __len__(self)

Returns the dimension of the vector.

Example: $$ \begin{bmatrix} a_{1} \ a_{2} \ ... \ a_{n} \end{bmatrix} $$ will yield $n$.

def __abs__(self)

Returns returns the length of the Vector.

def __add__(self, other)

def __sub__(self, other)

def __rmul__(self, other)

def __getitem__(self, key)

def __setitem__(self, key, value)

Private Functions


def _copy(matrix)

Returns a copy of a given matrix or vector.


def _flatten(lst: list) -> list

Flattens the given list li.


def _cut(list: list, index: int) -> list

Removes index from list and returns the list without the index.


def _all(matrix, right=None)

Is an iterator which yields all pairs $(i, j)$ which have Elements in $\text{matrix}[i, j]$ associated to them. If right is specified the iterator will returns all pairs $(i,j)$ that occur in the product of matrix and right.


def _extend(lst: list, length: int, fill=0)

Extends the given list to desired length by filling the list with specified element fill. If length is less or equal to length of the list, the list its self will be returned.

Public Functions


def normalized(vector)

Normalizes the given vector.


def isLinearIndependent(*vectors) -> bool

Takes in vectors and determines wheather they are linear linear independent. If vectors are of different dimension, all vectors will be converted to same dimension by appending zeros.


def zero_matrix(m: int, n: int)

Returns the m x n Zero Matrix


def identity_matrix(n: int)

Returns the n x n Identity Matrix


def add(matrix, matrix2)

Adds matrix and matrix2 and returns the sum. If the dimensions of matrix and matrix2 are invalid, an AssertionError will be raised. The sum will be returned as a new matrix, the given matrices stay unaltered.


def multiply(matrix, matrix2)

Multiplies matrix (m × p) and matrix2 (p × n) and returns the product. Matrix dimensions are checked beforehand; an assertion error will be raised if dimensions are invalid. matrix2 can also be a (p × 1) vector. The product will be returned as a new matrix, the given matrices stay unaltered.


def power(matrix, p: int)

Raises matrix the the p-th power and returns it. If the matrix is not quadratic, an AssertionError will be raised.


def scale(matrix, s: float)

Scales matrix by s. The result will be returned as a new matrix, the given matrices stay unaltered.


def trace(matrix) -> float

Returns the trace of the given matrix. The matrix has to be quadratic, otherwise an AssertionError will be raised.


def determinant(matrix) -> float

Returns the determinant of the given matrix. The matrix has to be quadratic otherwise an AssertionError will be raised.


def minor(matrix, i: int, j: int)

Returns the minor matrix of matrix with column i and row j left out.


def transpose(matrix)

Returns transposed matrix.


def triangular(matrix)

Brings the matrix into triangular form and returns it


def gaussian_elimination(A, b)

When applied, the function will return $Ax=b$ in triangular form.


def cramers_rule(A, b)

When applied, the function will return the Vector that satisfies $Ax=b$. The Vector $x$ has to be unambiguous. This is the case if the determinant of $A$ is not $0$, otherwise an AsssertionError will be raised.


def inverse(matrix)

Returns the inverse of matrix.


def rank(matrix) -> int

Returns the rank of the given matrix

matrix.eigenvalues (in work)

def eigenvalues(matrix)

Returns all eigenvalues of the matrix.

matrix.diagonalize (in work)

def diagonalize(matrix)