
This program is designed to Blue Screen your computer when League of Legends is opened, preventing you from playing.

Primary LanguageC++


AntiLeague brings only the best for its users. This program is designed to Blue Screen your computer when League of Legends is opened, preventing you from playing. This program will singlehandedly save the world.


AntiLeague was made realtively quickly and is not a perfect project. It was made as a joke. Don't expect this to bypass antivirus or to be entirely foolproof. There are a handful of ways to bypass this just thinking off the top of my head. It's not so easy that you can task end it; however, it's not impossible to remove.

AntiLeague Procedure

On the first run, the program will install itself; however, it will notice it is running in the wrong position and blue screen. When the computer restarts, the program will be properly installed and running as a Critical Process preventing termination. On any case that the window League of Legends is found, the program will blue screen the computer. There is a persistence/anti-tamper system built into AntiLeague as noted in the Compilation Process section. Some of these methods are monitored, which means that when tampering with such a method is detected, the program will repair it and then blue screen.

IMPORTANT: AntiLeague blue screens during the first run, on any detection of tampering with certain persistence methods, and when League of Legends is opened. Be careful when performing any of those tasks to prevent file corruption or any other problems.


Make sure AntiLeague.exe is alongside the corresponding payload and then simply run. Your computer will blue screen on the first run; however, after restart it should be installed.


To uninstall AntiLeague, create a file on your desktop named as the uninstall code specified in stdafx.h and restart. This file should have no extension. E.g. LEteh33ZUY Once restarted, you will be prompted to confirm the uninstall.

Compilation Process

This program requires the libraries SEH-inside-VEH and MemoryModule, found inside external, to be compiled and outputted in the libs folder. Ensure both libraries use static versions of the run-time library (/MT and /MTd). Keep in mind, this program is 32-bit so choose Win32 for MemoryModule during the CMake process.

Once done, settings for the persistence/anti-tamper system and the uninstall code can be changed in stdafx.h. Simply comment out settings you don't want and vice-versa. The uninstall code is a string that must be 10 characters long.

After compiling, SEH-inside-VEH requires patching RtlUnwind. Instructions for this can be found in Patching RtlUnwind. SEH-inside-VEH is statically linked, by default, so follow the corresponding instructions. These steps should be done for both AntiLeauge.exe and AntiLeague Payload.dll binaries. While it may be possible to only have it done for AntiLeague Payload.dll, it is safer and easier to have both patched.

After patching, the binary AntiLeague Payload.dll must be XOR encrypted with a key that is exactly 10 characters long. Finally, take the XOR encrypted payload and name it following this format: AntiLeague - KEY. Replace KEY with the 10 character key used to encrypt the payload. E.g. AntiLeague - LEteh33ZUY

The unencrypted payload can be discarded now. Keep the XOR encrypted payload in the same folder as AntiLeague.exe and run the program or ship those two files.

Broken-down Figures

graph LR
EntryPoint --> Init --> AntiLeague -- Tampering Detected --> QuickInstall --> BSOD(Blue Screen)


graph LR
Init --> LoadPayload(Loads the payload into memory)
Init --> NewThread(New thread is created) --> SafeShutdown(Message loop listenting for shutdown/restart/log-off messages to properly disable Critical Process status)

Init --> AttackInit(Payload Init begins)
AttackInit --> PayloadInit(Check for uninstall file)
AttackInit --> CriticalStatus(Enable Critical Process status)
AttackInit --> Install(Install AntiLeague)


graph LR
AntiLeague --> Infinite(Infinite loop)
Infinite --> Tamper(Check for tampering)
Infinite --> League(Check if League of Legends window is present)

Tamper -- Found tampering --> Repair(End loop)
League -- Found League of Legends running --> BSOD(Blue Screen)


This function simply re-installs the program with the specified persistence/anti-tamper settings in stdafx.h.

This program was made with love 😻