“CreamBurn” is a theme for Movable Type 5. This theme is distributed under the Creative Commons license. You can use this theme both for personal and business under the CC license.
This theme is appropriate for SMB’s website and personal blog, as a base of customization. In default this theme includes some dummy texts and images. Pleaese customize them when you use.
Movable Type 5.x upper (for Blog)
- Goole Chrome(latest)
- FireFox(latest)
- Internet Explorler 8,9
- Safari 5.1
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
Sorry but no support service is available. Though any feedback and opinions are welcome.
This templates is originally distributed in website “Rocket Website Templates”.
The original copyright of design belongs to them.
After downloading, unzip and deploy all files to /path/to/mt/themes/ directory. After uploading, please apply the theme in admin-screen and rebuild a blog.
Theme’s static files (i.e. images and js files) will be automatically relocated under
/mt-static/support/theme_static/CreamBurn/ directory.
Please pay attention if you want to adjust a design. Visit the theme’s documentation page for more detail information.
After installation, blog has below data:
- Dummy webpages
- Dummy toppage
- Dummy folder
- Dummy footer
On topage, MT’s page which has “@TOPPAGE” tag will be displayed. When there is no page with “@TOPPAGE” tag, then three latest blog entries will be appeard.
On webiste’s global menu, links for pages which has “@SITE_NAV_PAGE” tag will be appeared. If you want to add a link on global menu, write and save pages with “@SITE_NAV_PAGE” tag.
In this theme, side navigation will be switced for archive jenere.
- Index page and web pages: appears webpage list
- Blog archives and entries: appears blog navigation list
These navigation templates are published from widgets.
On side navitation of webpage, all published pages will appear. Give “@NOT_DISPLAY_NAV” tag when you DON’T want to generate link on side navigation.
On Banner Footer template, there are three widgets in default status. Though they don't appear on the page because of mt:Ignore tags.
If you want to use footer columns, please remove mt:Ignore tags and display them. In “Recent Items” widget, dummy thumbnails will be appeared if there are no image files in MT. If some image files have been uploaded as MT’s asset files, then thumbnails with square shape will be appeared.
Widget templates has dummy data in it’s default status. Please modify them as you like.
In default, dummy message will be appeared on main image. This message has written in “Banner Header” template. Please modify as you like.
Author don’t have any responsibility for any damages, loss or expenses with usage of the templates.