
kOS Scripts for Kerbal Space Program

MIT LicenseMIT

kOS Scripts

kOS Scripts for Kerbal Space Program

This repository contains scripts and other snippets of code for Kerbal Operating System (kOS), a mod for Kerbal Space program.

Please feel free to copy and share the code here. All I ask is for simple attribution if you ever do anything with it. If you do something really cool, I'd love to see it!

If you find any bugs, please let me know by filling an issue.

Eventually, the repository will contain code which accomplishes the following:

  • Launch and circularization at a specified orbit for an arbitrary rocket.
  • Launch and circularization at a specified orbit for an arbitrary spaceplane.
  • Orbit transfer, with selectable method (Hohmann, bi-elliptic).
  • Landing in vacuum.
  • Landing in atmosphere with aerobrake.
  • Propulsive landing in atmosphere.
  • Intercept with other spacecraft.
  • Docking.

Eventually, I hope these scripts will serve as building blocks for mission scripts.

Inspirational Links