
This file is made for windows users that need to mimic linodes kubernetes environment on windows 10.

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Cheat sheet ubuntu-16.04

This file is made for windows users that need to mimic linodes kubernetes environment on windows 10.

How to start?

1- go to https://www.docker.com/get-started/.
2- Download Docker Desktop.
3- Install it like any other program.
4- Open Docker Desktop.
5- Run powershell as administrator.
6- Type $docker pull ubuntu:16.04 this will start downloading an image of ubuntu:16.04.
7- From Docker Desktop navigate to imges and you will see ubuntu there.
8- Select it and run it will open new popup enter the name of the container like ubuntu-16.04 and hit run it will start new container.
9- Navigate to containers and you will find ubuntu-16.04 container click on open in terminal.

Second phase

10- Type $apt-get update.
11- Type $apt-get install sudo to install sudo.
12- Type $adduser [Your_User_Name] And follow the steps.
12- Type $su - login as root.
13- Type $usermod -aG sudo [Your_User_Name] to add user to the list for sudo.
14- Close window terminal and open it again.
15- Type $sudo apt update.
16- Type $sudo apt install nano so we can edit files.
17- Now try $nano if no error the mean you are ready for the next step.
18- Click CTRL + X to exit

Phase III
