Learning Haskell by studying:
- Haskell Programming from first principles - @haskellbook - my main learning resource
- Penn University CIS 194 - I completed the exercises for first 4 lectures.
- Well-Typed Haskell training
The majority of the work is in: HaskellProgrammingFromFirstPrinciples. I would love to compare my exercises solutions with others learning haskell through Haskell Programming from first principles book. Please contact me.
Workspaces made within Haskell for Mac and code outside of Haskell for Mac playgrounds was developed using Atom configured for Haskell and then laterly using Visual Studio Code.
See also:
My Notes
- Monads and all that - John Hughes - excellent series of lectures.
- MagicHaskeller - specify parameters and output and it will find the function composition for you eg:
f "hello" == "HELLO"
->f = map toUpper
- Haskell CheatSheet PDF
- Practical Haskell and Purescript examples eg [Making a movie monad)[https://lettier.github.io/posts/2016-08-15-making-movie-monad.html]
- Functors, Applicatives and Monads in pictures
- You Could Have Invented Monads! (And Maybe You Already Have.)
- Open-source Haskell projects - "Code to learn from"
- Teaching Haskell for Understanding
- The five arguments on why people struggle with monads
- A wreq tutorial - Learn how to write web clients. "We start easy, then ramp up the power."
- Announcing: Snap 1.0
- A collection of interesting Haskell talks
- A monad for reactive programming
- Monads: From Web 2.0 to Hardware Drivers
- Dependently typed servers in Servant
- Generative Art Haskell - Playground for Haskell For Mac
- Why Haskell is Great - 10 minutes
- Four months with Haskell
- The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer
- Haskell 'sequence' Over Functions - Explained
- The Interpreter Pattern Revisited idea of algebraic types as simple languages "The Interpreter Pattern is the only pattern from the GOF book worth considering"
- Rust as a gateway drug to Haskell - article contains lots of interesting comparisons between Haskell and Rust and the Hacker News comments have lots of interesting links to Haskell background and extensions.
- MonadIO Considered Harmful - defining class instances to specify exactly what IO operations are performed - interesting discussion on redit
- Rank 'n Classy Limited Effects- similar to the above but going further.
- An opinionated guide to Haskell in 2018 - useful tips about running haddock and hoogle locally as well as a great summary of extensions. Also redit discussion
- The ReaderT Design Pattern
- FP Complete A Haskell Study Syllabus
- A Guide to GHC's Extensions
- unliftio
- Haskell Web Skills - "our Haskell Web Skills series, we'll take you through a whole slew of libraries that allow you to write a web backend"
- Monad transformers, free monads, mtl, laws and a new approach
- Note to self: reader monad transformer