
Special Python image submodule for beginners

Primary LanguagePython


A special Python image submodule for beginners.


skimage is a simple wrapper around the Python Image Library (PIL) for beginners. It allows for easy loading, manipulating, and saving of image files.

NOTE: This module uses the Cartesian coordinate system!


>>> from skimage import novice            # special submodule for beginners

>>> picture = novice.open('sample.png')   # create a picture object from a file
>>> print picture.format                  # pictures know their format...
>>> print picture.path                    # ...and where they came from...
>>> print picture.size                    # ...and their size
(665, 500)
>>> print picture.width                   # 'width' and 'height' also exposed
>>> picture.size = (200, 250)             # changing size automatically resizes
>>> for pixel in picture:                 # can iterate over pixels
>>> ... if ((pixel.red > 0.5) and         # pixels have RGB (values are 0.0-1.0)...
>>> ...     (pixel.x < picture.width)):   # ...and know where they are
>>> ...     pixel.red /= 2                # pixel is an alias into the picture
>>> ...
>>> print picture.modified                # pictures know if their pixels are dirty
>>> print picture.path                    # picture no longer corresponds to file
>>> picture[0:20, 0:20] = (0., 0., 0.)    # overwrite lower-left rectangle with black
>>> picture.save('sample-bluegreen.jpg')  # guess file type from suffix
>>> print picture.path                    # picture now corresponds to file
>>> print picture.format                  # ...has a different format
>>> print picture.modified                # and is now in sync