
Builds a database of isbns and metadata

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A free database of book metadata

Live demo



Commercial library catalog systems phone home with patron data. Any workable free software solution will require a large isbn database.


As titles are requested, a large mongo will be built over time.


Run your own version of this.

required system packages:

  • mongo
  • tor

Create mongo indexes on isbn10, isbn13 and text:

db.books.createIndex({title: "text"})
db.books.createIndex({isbn10:1}, {unique: true, sparse: true})
db.books.createIndex({isbn13:1}, {unique: true, sparse: true})

Configure database dumps by running scripts/dumpmongo.sh as a cronjob.

Code Overview

Each source has a parser and a crawler. Crawlers talk http to remote hosts and pass the html to the parsers. Parsers return structured data to the crawler which insert the book into the mongo.

Moving forward, crawlers will dump urls into a queue and not talk to parsers. The queue will be consumed by scrapers that call parsers.