Redux Drills

You are in charge of building an app that can manage the guest list of DevMountain's next big hackathon. Complete drills 1-4 to build the guest list app. Try your best to only reference the solution when you are really stuck.


  1. npm install
  2. Install redux and react-redux.
  3. Get your app set up with a redux store.
  4. Create a ducks folder where we will build a guestList reducer.
  5. Add store.js, and create a store using the guestList reducer.
  6. In App.js, make the needed changes to the render method.


  1. npm install
  2. Install redux and react-redux.
  3. Display the array of guests that was set on the initial state.
  4. Set up your app the same was you did in Drill-1.
  5. Set initialState to
const initialState = ['Tony Stark', 'Steve Rodgers', ' Nick Fury', 'Natasha Romanova', 'Clint Barton', 'Bruce Banner', 'Wanda Maximoff'];


  1. npm install
  2. Install redux and react-redux.
  3. Add all the functionality of Drill-2.
  4. Add the functionality of adding and removing from the guest list.


  1. npm install
  2. Install redux and react-redux.
  3. Add all the functionality of Drill-3.
  4. Add the functionality of editing any of the guest names.


  1. npm install
  2. Install redux, react-redux, axios, and redux-promise-middleware.
  3. You will need to use the DevMountain trivia api
  4. Build out this app so that you can:
  5. See a list of questions and select answers.
  6. Create a new question and have it appear in the list of questions.
  7. Edit questions.
  8. Delete questions.