
Some tools I'm using to make my coding workflow faster

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Do things to these files and make them translate

This is two different ways to make this work node convertLaravelToVue.js node convertVuewToLaravel.js


This will take an enum related php file text and covert it to json object notation to copy/paste into the vue JSON file

const inputFile = '/Users/inbound/Downloads/enumdata.txt'

const outputLocation = '/Users/inbound/Downloads/'

Those two are what you'll need to change on your computer.

example input file for enumdata.txt

public const ADVANCE = [
    'id' => 1,
    'name' => 'Advance',
    'slug' => 'advance',

public const AICHI = [
    'id' => 2,
    'name' => 'Aichi',
    'slug' => 'aichi',


This will take a json related file text and covert it to a php CONST to copy/paste into the laravel ENOM file

const inputFile = '/Users/inbound/Downloads/jsondata.txt'

const outputLocation = '/Users/inbound/Downloads/'

Those two are what you'll need to change on your computer.

example input file for jsondata.txt

{ "name": "Advance", "value": "1" },
{ "name": "Aichi", "value": "2" },