Hermes External Front-End


This service aims to provide a web UI to the external users of Hermes.

Note that Hermes is an educational project.

External Dependencies

To be fully operational, this service requires:

  • A Keycloak instance (and more specifically - our customized hermes-keycloak image) to handle authentication / authorization.
  • A hermes-backend instance to handle appointment applications.

Environmental Variables

  • HERMES_BACKEND_URL (required) : An IP or FQDN that points to the backend instance.
  • KEYCLOAK_AUTH_SERVER_URL (required): An IP or FQDN that points to the Keycloak instance. Note that it must be publicly accessible as users will be redirected there to login.
  • KEYCLOAK_CREDENTIALS_SECRET (required): For security reasons, this client requires a secret to initiate login protocol. This secret is provided by Keycloak.
  • KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_CLIENTID (required): The client id of a Keycloak client that has realm-management service account client roles and will be used to manage some resources of the server where a user does not have access. Note that this service account must have administrative privileges.
  • KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_CLIENTSECRET (required): The secret of the service account client.


This project does not have any unit, integration, or E2E tests yet.


This service exposes some basic health check endpoints backed by Spring Boot Actuator:


You can create a HEALTHCHECK by using the endpoint http://localhost:9001/actuator/health :

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=20s \
  CMD curl -f http://localhost:9001/actuator/health || exit 1


Spring Boot Actuator detects when an app is deployed on Kubernetes, and when it does, it exposes 2 additional endpoints which support the readiness and liveness probes in Kubernetes.

Add the following lines to your kubernetes resource file:

    path: /actuator/health/liveness
    port: 9001
  initialDelaySeconds: 20
  periodSeconds: 5
    path: /actuator/health/readiness
    port: 9001
  initialDelaySeconds: 20
  periodSeconds: 5

Please note that on both cases, port 9001 must not be exposed to the public internet.

Deployment Options

There are 2 deployment options:

  • A docker-compose.yaml file can be found here. It will deploy the whole application along with the backend.

  • Kubernetes manifest files can also be found under /k8s.

Documentation (in Greek)

You may find more detailed documentation (in Greek) regarding this project here.
