VIS: Visual Inspection System

Repository for the server-side of the Danfoss Visual Inspection System capstone project. This must be compiled and run on a Windows machine. The software is compatibe with the Occipital structure sensor, or a mock recording.


This project should be used with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. Packages are managed using vcpkg. The following packages are neccesary to install:

  • cpprestsdk
  • pcl

It is additionally required that the Kinect SDK V2 be seperately installed. This may be found at

Command Line Arguments

Switch Description
--com The COM port number to use for platform rotation, unneeded if using a file
--oni Path to a .ONI file to use instead of a physical camera
--port The port to listen on
--visualizer Display a visualizer while doing scans

SPC Binary Point Clouds

It is possible to receive any point cloud as a custom binary format called SPC. This is a simple format consisting of a header and collection of points. The file header has two unsigned 32-bit fields. The first is the number of components per point, the second is the number of points. Each point is then stored sequentially where each component is represented as a 32 bit float.


Note The following is a work in progress. More endpoints will be added in the future to facilitate calibration and likely mesh upload.

GET /object-scan

Attempt to scan a physical object and compute the square error of points in its point cloud. A centered, aligned, four-component point cloud is returned where the fourth component is square distance to closest physical point. The data is currently mocked. Error handling or interruption is not currently implemented.


Name Type Description
mesh-path string A path pointing to a reference mesh file obtained from the /mesh-file/all endpoint
spc boolean (Optional) Whether to use the spc format

Return Codes

Status Description
200 Scan was successful
400 Missing parameter or calibration volume has not been set
404 The mesh was not found

Sample Response

	"points": [
		[1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 4.5],
		[-1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 8.3]

GET /room-scan

Capture a frame from a camera and send the entire room back as a three-component point cloud.


Name Type Description
spc boolean (Optional) Whether to use the spc format

Return Codes

Status Description
200 Scan was successful

Sample Response

	"points": [
		[1.0, -1.0, 1.0],
		[-1.0, 2.0, 1.0]

GET /mesh-file

Downloads a binary STL file corresponding to a mesh in the VIS mesh folder (in the user's documents directory). This will currently use the raw, uncentered mesh but should eventually move to something more controlled and uploaded.


Name Type Description
path string A path pointing to a reference mesh file obtained from the /mesh-file/all endpoint

Return Codes

Status Description
200 All Okay
403 The path contained an illegal sequence
404 The mesh was not found

GET /mesh-file/all

List all possible mesh files that may be downloaded and used as a scan reference. Both of these currently correspond directly to the files on the filesystem.

Sample Response

	"files": [
		{"path": "motor/2017/top_section.stl", "filename": "top_section.stl"},
		{"path": "rubber_duck.stl", "filename": "rubber_duck.stl"}

POST /calibration-volume

Set the volume to look at during object scanning. This is represented as a 4x4 affine transformation matrix on a 1x1x1 cube placed at the origin. The matrix should be represented as a 16 element array composed of the matrix element in column-major order.

Sample Body

	"transform": [
		0.24645,  0.01465,  0.01943,  0,
		-0.02306, 0.16352,  0.16924,  0,
		-0.00203, -0.12225, 0.11809,  0,
		0.01083,  0.11231,  -0.67500, 1

Return Codes

Status Description
200 All Okay
400 The uploaded body is invalid