
Full-stack class book app. Use ruby on rails as backend and angularjs as front-end framework.

Primary LanguageCSS


Project Description

CS130 Course Project. Use Mysql+Ruby on rails+AngularJS Stack. You can find the backend code in classbook, the frontend in classbook-frontend


To be filled...

First steps

  • Start your MySQL database

    • If on Mac, run sudo mysql.server start
  • Set up the frontend Environment

    • In terminal run: npm install && bower install
    • Once that's done run: grunt grunt serve

    You should see that a port is open for you to access your front-end app

  • Set up the backend Environment

    • first run: bundle install
    • always apply the database change if there is new models added: rake db:migrate

##Front-end Architecture Explained

  • Big Picture In classbook-frontend you will find following folders: app -- our main app bower_components -- our 3rd party packages node_modules -- our node packages Gruntfile.js -- our task manager

  • App

    • scripts -- it stores all angular scripts we have for the app
      • controllers -- controllers for the page, notice that one controller should correspond to one page in views folder
      • services -- encapsulation of backend endpoints by $resource
      • app.js -- where we initialize our angular app and inject dependent packages. For instance, if you want to use 3rd package like ui-calendar, inject it here. Also it is responsible for routing. See how it configures routes and views and controllers.
    • views -- store html views
  • How the whole thing works? When a browser starts, it will load index.html at first. Index.html already bootstraps all dependent angular codes together. When the code is loaded, app.js is run to initialize the whole app as angular app, with the configuration declared in the folder. When you move to specific page, angular will switch your view and controller according to configuration in the app.

    Notice that special tags like ng-view is bundled with the routing function. When you switch to a certain url, angularjs will insert the corresponding template into ng-view.

##Package used and reference AngularJS & Rails tutorial to understand and see what packages are used in this app.

##RESTful API Documentation Please refer to this page