
escape_maze in webgl

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repo is for CS174 TermProject team 27

#Team Members

Zhengliang Wu

Beiqi Guan


keyEvents: b: debug mode r: reset t: topView

move w : forward, s : back, a : left, d : right,

rotate direction up : up, down : down, left : left, right : right

#How do we draw everything?

- Everything in this project is object oriented. We have three basic objects: cube, sphere and plane.
- Every object has one init function: we duplciate these objects in render functions. Cubes are drawn in a for loop with positions passed in.

#Collision Detection - Sphere collides with the wall - Detection of collision with a cube is more complicated than expected,

#Maze - Maze is originally a 2D array - we interpret the maze using one function. get the position of every cube, and thus pass it to the draw function of cube

#Texture - we have texture on cubes and a big cube that contains the world.

#Ball Movement -ball has velocity -ball can scroll -ball gets friction from the floor

#Lighting -Most lighting techniques are done in shader -we limit the distance of light, and also set up the coefficient that dimishes light's intensity -light tracks the ball by applying ball's modelMatrix