OF 0.9.0 will require rebuilding the bullet library
kylemcdonald opened this issue · 10 comments
OF 0.9.0 will be shipping with libc++ for OSX 32-bit which will require libraries built with libstdc++ to be recompiled in order to link properly. @arturoc said he might be able to help with Bullet.
Ok. Glad to have libc++. I'm not great at compiling libs, but I will give it a go and then might ask @arturoc for some help if I get hung up. Should I test the new bullet libs with the master branch of OF for compatibility with 0.9.0?
yes, master is already using libc++ in 32bits and 64bits
Any idea of how to compile the library to make it work the addon on 0.9.0 master branch?
..On the examples projects I can swich to 32 bits. Maybe starting an empty project with Project Generator but loosing the 64 bits should work without re compiling?
@moebiussurfing What OS are you on? I was able to get it working with OSX. I had to copy an empty example from scripts/osx/template/ and then link all of the bullet 64bit headers and libs.
Is there a better way to create an empty XCode project other than copying the example from the scripts folder? There are no files in the projectGenerator folder. I called submodule update, but nothing happened. I tried running all of the scripts in the scripts folder, but they didn't build any example xcode projects. :/
Hey @NickHardeman thanks for your reply. I am in 10.10.5 and Xcode 6.4. I tried the same way for make an empty project you say too (scripts/osx/template/ ...etc). The only difference it's that I used the Xcode plugin OFPlugin to add the addon easy. I post here two screenshots about my addon project structure and the errors I am getting:
I tried selecting the target on release or debug and 32 or 64 bits getting the same errors above, and deleted all the libs folders except the /lib/osx/x86_64. I tried to drag and drop manually just the /lib/osx/x86_64 keeping the same folder structure... no success.
Any idea of what I am doing bad?
Hi @moebiussurfing, looks like 009 is adding some more events to ofRegisterMouseEvents. I updated the addon to specify the mouse events, so that OF is not looking for functions that are not there. Try using the updated ofxBulletWorldRigid files.
Hi @NickHardeman , I am trying to build a clean project without success. I am using 009 and your dev009 branch too. But I get this error about OpenCL framework:
I tried using using the ProjectGenerator and also with the OFPlugin to add the addons... also building with 32 or with 64 bits. I tried copying your EmptyExample too.
I have no idea why, but I have a previous project that is working fine, build on the same system and OF folder. That's the structure of the project. In this case it only has the 2.8.2 lib...:
ps: When adding the addon with OFPlugin, I used this tip too:
"When addons contain static libs, they will be added with absolute paths. This is due to a quirk in the Xcode API being used by OFXcodeMenu. If you intend to share a project with other people, it is recommended that you re-add static libs yourself (by right-clicking in the project navigator and selecting "Add Files To (project name)...", for example). "
And I am getting this new error:
Hi @moebiussurfing, can you take a look at a project.xcconfig file in one of the examples. That should have the proper static lib and include paths. Don't forget this line in the project.xcconfig: OTHER_LDFLAGS =
and make sure they are coming through in the Header Search Paths and Other Linker Flags in Build Settings.
The project shouldn't require the OpenCL lib to compile. Maybe that is caused from dragging in the static libs and include headers. Try using the project.xcconfig approach.