
Unknown Error 0x800700c1, Visual Studio 2015

tobiaszimmer opened this issue · 5 comments


I get the following error for each of the examples. Any idea what will help?
I also tried to create the Visual Studio files again with the project generator, but it remains the same..


I don't have access to a Windows machine. Did you try building in 64 bit?

Unfortunately it doesn't help, also changing to release mode produces the same error.

I managed to start "SimpleExample", which had another error. (the function ofRotateDeg(180,1,0,0) does not exist, in → ofxBulletCone.cpp, in line 92. I exchanged it with ofRotate(180,1,0,0))

Any idea why SimpleExample now works but the other examples do not? Even EmptyExample produces said error..


Ok, if I create a completely new project with the project generator, include ofxBullet and then just exchange the src files of the examples it works.

Before I only tried to update the existing example folders with the project generator, which did not help..

Hmm. Ok. I don't think I implemented anything to take into account the project generator. Maybe I have to structure the addon in a certain way for it to work properly with the pg?
Glad you were able to get it working. :)

Hmm.. The project generator works, when creating a new project with ofxBullet. I think there is no need to implement anything special.