
Dockerfile for OpenEdge 11.7 appserver

Primary LanguageOpenEdge ABLMIT LicenseMIT


docker commands

Build the docker image

docker build -t oe117-as:0.1 -t oe117-as:latest .

Run the container

docker run -it --rm --name oe117-as -p 20931:20931 -p 3090:3090 -p 21100-21200:21100-21200 oe117-as:latest

Run the container with a mapped volume

docker run -it --rm --name oe117-as -p 20931:20931 -p 3090:3090 -p 21100-21200:21100-21200 -v S:/workspaces/docker-volumes/appserver:/var/lib/openedge/code oe117-as:latest

Run bash in the container

docker run -it --rm --name oe117-as -p 20931:20931 -p 3090:3090 -p 21100-21200:21100-21200 oe117-as:latest bash

Exec bash in the running container

docker exec -it oe117-as bash

Stop the container

docker stop oe117-as

Clean the container

docker rm oe117-as

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