
Zero dependency Double Linked List class with a variety of utilities

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Zero dependency Doubly Linked List class with a variety of utilities.

Table of contents



npm install @nkp/linked-list


yarn add @nkp/linked-list


pnpm add @nkp/linked-list


@nkp/linked-list targets CommonJS and ES modules. To utilise ES modules consider using a bundler like webpack or rollup.



Creates a new LinkedList instance.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create a new LinkedList
   * @param values  initial values to hydrate
  constructor(values?:  LinkedList<T> | T[] | Iterable<T> | null);

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList<number>([1, 2, 3]);


Creates a new LinkedList instance.

Alias for LinkedList.constructor.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create a new LinkedList
   * @param values  initial values to hydrate
   * @returns       LinkedList instance
  static from<T>(values?: LinkedList<T> | T[] | Iterable<T> | null): LinkedList<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = LinkedList<number>.from([1, 2, 3]);


Returns the value at the head (front) of the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Value at the head of the linked list, if it exists
  public get head(): undefined | T;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a' 'b', 'c']);

console.log(list.head); // 'a'


Returns the value at the tail (end) of the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Value at the tail of the linked list, if it exists
  public get tail(): undefined | T {

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a' 'b', 'c']);

console.log(list.tail); // 'c'


Number of items in the linked list.

Similar to Array.prototype.length.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Number of items in the linked list
  public get size(): number;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a' 'b', 'c']);

console.log(list.size); // 3


Creates an iterator for the items in the LinkedList.

Fulfills the Iterator interface making the for..of available to LinkedList instances.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Iterator for the LinkedList's values
  [Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a' 'b', 'c']);

// [Symbol.iterator]() fulfills the interface for the
// for...of syntax
for (const item of list) {

// 'a'
// 'b'
// 'c'


Push values to the end of the LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.push.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Push values to the end of the LinkedList
   * @param values  values to push
   * @returns       the number of items inserted
  push(...values: T[]): number;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

console.log(list.size); // 3
console.log(list.head); // 'a'
console.log(list.tail); // 'c'

// ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
list.push('c', 'd', 'e');

console.log(list.size); // 6
console.log(list.head); // 'a'
console.log(list.tail); // 'e'


Unshift values onto the start of the LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.unshift.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Push values onto the start of the LinkedList
   * @param values  values to unshift
   * @returns       the number of items inserted
  unshift(...values: T[]): number;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b' ,'c']);

console.log(list.size); // 3
console.log(list.head); // 'a'
console.log(list.tail); // 'c'

// ['d', 'e', 'f', 'a', 'b', 'c']
list.unshift('d', 'e', 'f');

console.log(list.size); // 6
console.log(list.head); // 'd'
console.log(list.tail); // 'c'


Retrieve and remove the item at the head of the LinkedList if it exists.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Retrieve and remove the first value from the LinkedList
   * @returns   the value if it exists
  shift(): undefined | T;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a' 'b', 'c']);

console.log(list.size); // 3
console.log(list.head); // 'a'

console.log(list.shift()); // 'a'

console.log(list.size); // 2
console.log(list.head); // 'b'


Retrieve and remove the item at the tail of the LinkedList if it exists.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Retrieve and remove the last value from the LinkedList
   * @returns   the value if it exists
  pop(): undefined | T;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a' 'b', 'c']);

console.log(list.size); // 3
console.log(list.tail); // 'c'

console.log(list.pop()); // 'c'

console.log(list.size); // 2
console.log(list.head); // 'b'


Insert values into the desired index in the Linked List.

Items currently at and to the right of the index are shifted right.

Supports negative indexing.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Insert values at the given index
   * Supports negative indexing
   * @param from      first index to insert into
   * @param values    values to insert
   * @returns         the number of values inserted
  insert(from: number, ...values: T[]): number;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c',]);

// returns: 3
list.insert(1, 'd', 'e', 'f');

// ['a', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'b', 'c']


Remove the given number of values from the desired index forwards.

Supports negative indexing.

Similar to Array.prototype.splice.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Remove values starting at the given index
   * Supports negative indexing
   * @param from
   * @param deleteCount
  remove(from: number, deleteCount = 1): T[];

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);

// ['b', 'c']
list.remove(1, 2);

// ['a', 'd']


Removes all items from the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Remove all values from the LinkedList
  clear(): void;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c',]);

console.log(list.size); // 3
console.log(list.head); // 'a'
console.log(list.tail); // 'c'


console.log(list.size); // 0
console.log(list.head); // undefined
console.log(list.tail); // undefined


Find the value that causes the predicate function to return truthy, replace it with the replacer function and return the replacing value.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Find the first item for whom the predicate function returns truthy
   * replace its value with the result of the replacer function
   * @param callbackfn  function to deterermine if this is the value
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for callbackfn
   * @param returns     the replaced, if it was replaced
  replace<S extends T, V extends T>(
    predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => value is S,
    replace: (value: S, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => V,
    thisPredicateArg?: any,
    thisReplaceArg?: any,
  ): undefined | V;
  replace<S extends T>(
    predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => value is S,
    replace: (value: S, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => T,
    thisPredicateArg?: any,
    thisReplaceArg?: any,
  ): undefined | T;
  replace<V extends T>(
    predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => unknown,
    replace: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => V,
    thisPredicateArg?: any,
    thisReplaceArg?: any,
  ): undefined | V;
    predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => unknown,
    replace: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => T,
    thisPredicateArg?: any,
    thisReplaceArg?: any,
  ): undefined | T;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c',]);

// LinkedList [
//  'a'
//  'c'
//  'c'
// ]
const ret = list.replace(
  // find
  (value) => value === 'b',
  // replace
  (value) => 'c',

// 'c'


Find and return the first item for whom the predicate function returns truthy.

Similar to Array.prototype.find.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Find and return the first item for whom the predicate function
   * returns truthy
   * @param callbackfn  function to deterermine if this is the value
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for callbackfn
   * @param returns     the item, if it was found
  find<S extends T>(
    predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => value is S,
    thisArg?: any,
  ): S | undefined;
    predicate: (value: T, index: number, obj: LinkedList<T>) => unknown,
    thisArg?: any,
  ): T | undefined;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c',]);

// 'b'
console.log(list.find((value, index) => index % 2 === 1));


Executes a callback function for each value in the LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.forEach.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Execute a callbackfn for each value in the LinkedList
   * @param callbackfn  function to fire for each value
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for callbackfn
  forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, linkedList: this) => void, thisArg?: any): void;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c',]);

list.forEach((value, index) => {
  console.log(`value: ${value}, index: ${index}`);

// value: a, index: 0
// value: b, index: 1
// value: c, index: 2


Executes a callback function for each value in the LinkedList to return a value that is used to hydrate a new LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.map.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Transform the LinkedList using by calling a function on each of its values
   * @param callbackfn  function to tranasform each value
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for callbackfn
   * @returns           the transformed LinkedList
  map<U>(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, linkedList: this) => U, thisArg?: any): LinkedList<U>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// [97, 98, 99]
const transformed = list.map((str) => str.charCodeAt(0));


Executes a callback function for each value in the LinkedList to create a new LinkedList of the values whose callbacks returned truthy.

Similar to Array.prototype.filter.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Filter the LinkedList by calling a function to detemine whether each item
   * should be kept
   * @param callbackfn  function to determine whether to keep each valuea
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for callbackfn
   * @returns           the filtered LinkedList
  filter<S extends T>(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, linkedList: this) => value is S, thisArg?: any): LinkedList<S>;
  filter(callbackfn: (value: T, index: number, linkedList: this) => boolean, thisArg?: any): LinkedList<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// ['a', 'c']
const fitered = list.filter((str) => str !== 'b');


Executes a callback function for current accumulated value each value in the LinkedList to return a new accumulated value to be given to the next call.

Similar to Array.prototype.reduce.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Execute `callbackfn` for each item in the LinkedList and accumulate
   * each returned value to pass into the next call to `callbakcfn`
   * Returns the last output produced by `callbackfn`
   * @param callbackfn    function to produce the next accumulated vlaue
   * @param initialValue  initial accumulated value
   * @param thisArg       `this` value for callbackfn
   * @returns             result of executing `callbackfn` on each item in the
   *                      linkedList
  reduce<U>(callbackfn: (accumulator: U, next: T, index: number, linkedList: this) => U, initialValue: U, thisArg?: any): U;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c',]);
// get the sum of the charcodes in the LinkedList
const out = list.reduce((sum, str) => acc + str.charCodeAt(0), 0);


Create an iterator for the values in thet LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.values.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Iterator the LinkedList's values
   * @returns   Iterator of the values in the LinkedList
  values(): IterableIterator<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

for (const value of list.values()) {

// 'a'
// 'b'
// 'c'


Create an iterator for the indeces in thet LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.keys.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Iterator the LinkedList's indeces
   * @returns   Iterator of the indeces in the LinkedList
  keys(): IterableIterator<number>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

for (const value of list.keys()) {

// 0
// 1
// 2


Create an iterator for the index-value entries in the LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.entries.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Iterator for the LinkedList's index-value entries
   * @returns   Iterator of the index-value entries in the LinkedList
  entries(): IterableIterator<[number, T]>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

for (const value of list.entries()) {

// [0, 'a']
// [1, 'b']
// [2, 'c']


Create a map from the index-value entries in the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create a Map of the LinkedList's index-value entries
   * @returns   Map of the index-value entries in the LinkedList
  toMap(): Map<number, T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// Map {
//   0 => 'a',
//   1 => 'b',
//   2 => 'c',
// }


Create an Array from the index-value entries in the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Array of the LinkedList's entries
   * @returns   Array of index-value entries in the LinkedList
  toEntriesArray(): [number, T][];

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// [
//   [0, 'a',],
//   [1, 'b',],
//   [2, 'c',],
// }


Create an Array from the indeces in the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Array of the LinkedList's indeces
   * @returns   Array of indeces in the LinkedList
  toKeysArray(): number[];

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// [0, 1, 2]


Create an Array from the values in the LinkedList.

Alias for LinkedList.prototype.toArray.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Array of the LinkedList's values
   * Alias for {@link LinkedList.toArray}
   * @returns   Array of values in the LinkedList
  toValuesArray(): T[];

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// ['a', 'b', 'c']


Create an Array from the values in the LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create an Array of the LinkedList's values
   * @returns   Array of values in the LinkedList
  toArray(): T[];

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// ['a', 'b', 'c']


Create a shallow copy of the LinkedList.

Clones the linked list and its internal items but does not clone the values.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create a shallow clone of the LinkedList
  clone(): LinkedList<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList([1, 2, 3]);

const clone = list.clone();

// true
console.log(list !== clone);

// but all values are the same
const listIterator = list[Symbol.iterator]():
const cloneIterator = list[Symbol.iterator]():

// check list and clone values against each-other
const listResult = listIterator.next();
while (!listResult.done) {
  const cloneResult = cloneIterator.next();
  console.log(listResult.value === cloneResult.value);
  listResult = listIterator.next();

// true
// true
// true


Create a new LinkedList with the source LinkedList's values in reverse order.

Similar to Array.prototype.reverse but creates a new LinkedList instead of mutating the source LinkedList.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create a new LinkedList with this LinkedList's values in reverse order
   * @returns           LinkedList with values reversed
  reverse(): LinkedList<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b', 'c']);

// LinkedList ['c', 'b', 'a' ]
const reversed = list.reverse();

// false
console.log(list === reversed);


Create a new LinkedList with the source LinkedList's values but sorted.

Similar to Array.prototype.sort but creates a new LinkedList instead of mutating the source LinkedList.

Like Array.prototype.sort, by default coerces values to strings and sorts by char codes.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Create a new LinkedList with this LinkedList's values sorted
   * @param compareFn   returns sorting precedence of items
   * @returns           LinkedList with values sorted
  sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): LinkedList<T>;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const alphaList = new LinkedList(['c', 'a', 'b']);

// LinkedList ['a', 'b', 'c' ]
const alphaSorted = alphaList.sort();

const numericList = new LinkedList([3, 1, 2]);

// LinkedList [1, 2, 3]
const numericSortedAsc = numericList.sort((a, b) => a - b);

// LinkedList [3, 2, 1]
const numericSortedDesc = numericList.sort((a, b) => b - a);


Determine whether a predicate returns truthy for any value in the LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.some.

Exits early if a truthy value is found.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Returns true if the predicate function returns true for any item in the
   * LinkedList
   * Otherwise returns false
   * @param predicate   boolean function to test against values
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for `predicate`
   * @returns           does the predicate return true for any item in the
   *                    LinkedList?
  some(predicate: (value: T, index: number, list: LinkedList<T>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b' ,'c']);

// true
console.log(list.some((value) => value === 'b'));

// false
console.log(list.some((value) => value === 'B'));


Determine whether a predicate returns truthy for every value in the LinkedList.

Similar to Array.prototype.every.

Exits early if a falsy value is found.

// interface

class LinkedList<T> {
  // ...

   * Returns true if the predicate function returns true for every item in the
   * LinkedList
   * Otherwise returns false
   * @param predicate   boolean function to test against values
   * @param thisArg     `this` value for `predicate`
   * @returns           does the predicate return true for every item in the
   *                    LinkedList?
  every<U extends T>(predicate: (value: T, index: number, list: LinkedList<T>) => value is U, thisArg?: any): this is LinkedList<U>;
  every(predicate: (value: T, index: number, list: LinkedList<T>) => boolean, thisArg?: any): boolean;

  // ...
// example

import { LinkedList } from '@nkp/linked-list';

const list = new LinkedList(['a', 'b' ,'c']);

// false
console.log(list.every((value) => value === 'b'));

// true
console.log(list.every((value) => typeof value === 'string'));

Updating dependencies

To update dependencies run one of

# if npm
# update package.json
npx npm-check-updates -u
# install
npm install

# if yarn
# update package.json
yarn create npm-check-updates -u
# install

# if pnpm
# update package.json
pnpx npm-check-updates -u
# install
pnpm install


To a release a new version:

  1. Update the version number in package.json
  2. Push the new version to the master branch on GitHub
  3. Create a new release on GitHub for the latest version

This will trigger a GitHub action that tests and publishes the npm package.