
Template for @nkp TypeScript npm packages

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Nkp package template

Template for @nkp/ npm packages.

This tempalte uses pnpm as a package manager instead of npm or yarn.

Pnpm improves local development by symbolically linking dependencies and speeding up the installation process.

Comes with:

  1. Language: TypeScript & JavaScript
  2. Linting: Eslint
  3. Testing: Jest
    • Support TypeScript test files
    • Support e2e and unit tests
    • Easy to configure for DOM testing
  4. Building: Rollup
    1. Builds commonjs
    2. Builds ES Modules (targets package.json#module)
      • Package consumers using build tools such as rollup and webpack target package.json#module, the ES Module export of the package, for tree shaking. Tree shaking generates smaller packages and reduces build times.
  5. CI: GitHub actions
    • Builds, tests and publishes to npm when a new release is created on GitHub.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
    • git clone git@github.com:NickKelly1/nkp-template.git
    • (optional): use GitHub's template feature.
  2. Install dependencies and run tests
    1. If using nvm, run nvm use to set the NodeJS version
    2. run npm install
    3. run npm test
  3. Find and replace placeholders in the project
    4. ---NPM-PACKAGE-NAME---
    5. ---GITHUB-URL---
    6. ---GITHUB-ORG-NAME---
    9. ---USAGE-TEXT---
  4. Remove stubs and reset the repos state
    1. Remove the contents of src/index.ts
    2. set the testEnvironment in `jest.config.ts
    3. Remove src/examples
  5. Add an NPM_TOKEN to the repository for CI
    1. Using npmjs, generate a CI token
    2. Add the token to this GitHub repositories secrets as "NPM_TOKEN"
  6. Set up the README.MD


npm version deploy status known vulnerabilities


Table of contents


@---NPM-PACKAGE-ORG-NAME---/---NPM-PACKAGE-NAME--- exports both CommonJS and ES modules.



npm install @---NPM-PACKAGE-ORG-NAME---/---NPM-PACKAGE-NAME---






To a release a new version:

  1. Update the version number in package.json
  2. Push the new version to the master branch on GitHub
  3. Create a new release on GitHub for the latest version

This will trigger a GitHub action that tests and publishes the npm package.