Demo of using Packer, Terraform, .NET Core, Docker and Kubernetes.
- Use Terraform to set up a Kubernetes cluster on Azure Container service
- Use Packer to set up a custom AWS AMI that has Docker installed
- Use Terraform to set up Gitlab in AWS
- Build a .NET Core website
- Build a Docker image from the .NET Core website
- Deploy the Docker image to the Kubernetes cluster
Create your Azure credentials, following these directions:
Set up the required Terraform variables by going into the
folder and adding a file calledterraform.tfvars
. It should have these variables in it:
subscription_id = "YOUR_AWS_SUBSCRIPTION"
service_principal_client_id = "YOUR_AWS_CLIENT_ID"
service_principal_client_secret = "YOUR_AWS_CLIENT_SECRET"
tenant_id = "YOUR_AWS_TENANT_ID"
- Create the k8s cluster:
cd src/aksk8s
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- (Optional) Log in with:
ssh -i ../example_ssh_keypairs/ssh_private_key.pem
- Add the required variables to
"aws_access_key": "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY",
"aws_secret_key": "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY"
- Build the image:
cd src/packer_aws_ubuntu_docker
packer build -var-file variables.json ubuntu_docker.json
- Import the SSH public key into AWS.
pub_key=$(cat ../example_ssh_keypairs/ssh_public_key.pem)
aws configure
aws ec2 import-key-pair --key-name gitlab-example --public-key-material "$pub_key"
Create AWS access key and secret key following these directions:
Set up the required Terraform variables by going into the
folder and adding a file calledterraform.tfvars
. It should have these variables in it:
access_key = "YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
secret_key = "YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY"
region = "us-east-2"
ssh_keypair_name = "YOUR_KEYPAIR_NAME"
ami_name = "YOUR_AMI_NAME"
ami_owner = "YOUR_AMI_OWNER"
az_service_principal_client_id = "YOUR_AZURE_CLIENT_ID"
az_service_principal_client_secret = "YOUR_AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"
az_tenant_id = "YOUR_AZURE_TENANT_ID"
- Create the VM:
cd src/aws_gitlab
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- (Optional) Log in with:
ssh -i ../example_ssh_keypairs/ssh_private_key.pem ubuntu@[AWS_PUBLIC_IP]