I am making this repository for the making the manual setup of Surfshark VPN via OpenVPN even easier then it already is. Of course instead of reading this you could just download my setup script and use that instead. This will work on any Debian based operating system.
If you are downloading the script you need to do the following chmod +x surfsetup.sh
Open a terminal
Update your system please. No seriously, actually update your system.
Download and install OpenVPN and unzip (sudo apt-get install openvpn unzip
For Debian based operating systems)
cd /etc/openvpn
This takes you to the OpenVPN directory.
sudo wget https://my.surfshark.com/vpn/api/v1/server/configurations
This downloads the surfshark server configurations. All 370 of them.
sudo unzip configurations
This will unzip the configurations zip.
Type ls and chose a server to connect to and copy its file name.
sudo openvpn {paste the file name here}
Once you paste in the file name and hit enter it should do some preloading and we can move onto the next step.
At this point you need to enter your credentials and from there you are off to the races. If you see 'Initialization Sequence Completed', then everything is working just fine.
If you want to stop OpenVPN from running just kill the terminal.