
CSS properties in the wild

Primary LanguageJavaScript

List of CSS properties supported by the browsers in the wild


Tools. Transpilers. Pre/post processors.


$ npm install cssprops


The list of maintained browsers is as follows:

  • IE6
  • IE7
  • IE8
  • IE9
  • IE10
  • IE11
  • IE (same as IE11)
  • Chrome (35.0.1916.114)
  • Firefox (32.0a1)
  • Safari (Version 7.0.4 (9537.76.4))
  • iOS Safari - latest
  • Opera - latest
  • Forward - merge of all non-versioned browsers

The idea of "forward" is that any feature supported in any modern browser has a shot of being supported by others eventually. This is an acceptable approximation - let's your transpiler output "future-proof" CSS.


After installation, go:

var cssprops = require('cssprops');
Array.isArray(cssprops.ie6); // true
cssprops.ie6.length; // 115
cssprops.firefox.indexOf('zoom'); // -1, no `zoom` in FF

What's available:



[ 'chrome',
  'forward' ]


  • Run http://props.csspatterns.com/ in your browser (source is here on github)
  • If you see a message, send a pull request to replace the browser file (e.g. chrome.txt) from the raw dir
  • Don't worry about .js files, these are generated by the build script
  • Properties rarely go away, so pull request to remove properties are unlikely