
Perl script to assist in managing alt coin wallet backup/recoveries.

Primary LanguagePerl

Perl script to make management of alt coin wallets easier.

Support for performing limited actions of pre-configured coins.

Run on either all or coins passed in argument. Execute examples listed below.

Script Arguments

conf: Location of JSON Wallet conf file. (Defaults to /wallet_conf.json)

actions: Comma separated list of actions (See below)

wallets: Comma separated list of wallets (Must be defined in conf file)

backup_dir: Directory to backup wallets to (Defaults to ~/Dropbox)

make_dir: Directory to build clients when making. (Defaults to pwd)

quiet: Suppress output (Default False)

force: Send a -9 to the kill client command (Default False)

disable_prompt: By default, the script prompts to continue in the event no wallets are specified. This is help to mitigate accidental actions, but can be disabled if needed. (Default False)

Script Actions:

Launch - launches coin Qt clients

Kill - Kill Qt client (See optional force parameter)

Restart - Restart Qt client (Performs kill, launch)

Backup - Backups wallet files into hierarchical date format to given directory (Dropbox Recommended)

Reload - Kills Qt client, grabs latest backup from backup directory, launches client.

Make - This is experimental, it was added to ease me deploying this on other computers, it likely won't work for anyone else, but it can be tried.

Wallet Config Options:

name: The name of the Wallet directory

dir: The full path of Wallet src directory

url: The Github Src URL, required for "make"

qt_exe: Optional name of built executable if different

wallet_file: Location to wallet file if different

active: Disable a wallet without removing conf

__backup_only __: Only perform reload/backup options. Useful if any wallets are from a package repo.

pre_make: Optional bash commands to run before qmake/make if using "make" action


Launch all wallets - Skip prompt on all coin modification

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="launch" --disable-prompt

Kills all wallets - Suppress output

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="kill" --quiet

Force Kills DopeCoin client

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="kill" --wallets="DopeCoin" --force

Restart dogecoin, litecoin client

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="restart" --wallets="dogecoin, litecoin"

Backup then kill all wallets and clients

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="backup, kill" --backup_dir="/home/user/Dropbox/"

Reload (Update wallet from backup) all clients

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="reload"

Make all clients in conf file

./wallet_manager.pl --actions="make" --make_dir="/home/user/Wallets"