
rtp: the first "living robot" open source project( "rtp" is: Robi Transform Project)

Primary LanguageMathematica

Rtp (Robi-Transform-Project)

The first "Integrated", "Living-Robot" open source robot project.

What is "integrated"?
When we search for open-source robots online, we find that they are part of the robot code and demo, we can not find a complete project, download it directly to our raspberry pi, power on, and then it can move, we can play. Rtp has done this; in fact it has been able to move and talk, a integrated robot code bases on ros. Get a raspberry pi, connected a few motors and a speaker/microphone, ok, it's ready. You can play, change code, try again. Although rough but basically meet the needs of play it happily(sub-function also needs a variety of improvement).

What is "living robot"?
Imagine that if you have a rabbit or a lizard as a pet, they will never sell you cute, and will not answer any of your wit or stupid questions. But we still keep such a pet; why? Because it is "alive". Rtp is responsible to create the feeling of "alive", we call it "Living-Robot": but once achieved it will be very good, it has a "Magic" feeling and will be very fun: artificially create a mechanical "life". Like facing to Cozmo, you will have such similar feeling.

------------------------------------------------Technical & TODO-----------------------------------------------------------------

  1. Python / C
  2. ROS & linux(debian/raspbian/ubuntu)
  3. use speech recognization and aiml to dialog to make it more fun.
  4. ai "heart" to act as a real interest "living" thing.
  5. camera and face detection/recognization and sense of space where he is.
  6. add more sensors to make it complementary to our human body.
  7. dnn to improve the user experience.


  1. Raspberry Pi 3B(pi 2B, or tk1 is also fine) + some sensor modules.
  2. use Robi or other humanoid robot like "Ubtech优必选" Alpha2 or Abilix “Everest”

This project is original for improving software and hardware to tranform/improve the lovely Robi robot.
The design of Robi is pretty good. We love it. But the software is not strong. This makes Robi not interest enough.
The well looked robots in the world are only Nao and Robi. Nao is just "designed" but you cannot say it's kind of "Art", but to Robi we can feel "Art". How about the "Pepper"? Jesus, it's absolutely ugly and scared me with a big touch pad. It's even worse than the bandage on the back side of iphone 6:-)

What's Robi: http://www.robo-garage.com/en/prd/p_26/index.html
designed by the 'strange' professor&CEO(ROBOGARAGE.Co.,Ltd) Tomotaka Takahashi
Hardware & debug progress: http://blog.csdn.net/zister
contact the initiator: 729480514@qq.com (w-e-c-h-a-t: ckingcfx. I don't need 'chat',just for code.)