
Tacticus Planner

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Tacticus Planner

Project Overview

Tacticus Planner is a project built with a combination of React(tsx), Material-UI, and ag-Grid. The development server and bundler are powered by Vite

Project Dependencies

Major dependencies for this project include:

  • react: ^18.2.0
  • react-router-dom: ^6.15.0
  • @mui/material: ^5.14.4
  • ag-grid-react: ^30.0.6
  • axios: ^1.5.0
  • lodash: ^4.17.21
  • notistack: ^3.0.1

Major DEV dependencies:

  • typescript: ^4.9.5
  • sass: ^1.69.5
  • vite: ^4.5.1
  • eslint: ^8.46.0
  • prettier: ^3.0.3
  • husky: ^4.3.8

Getting Started

To contribute to this open-source project, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that Node.js version 18.12.0 is installed. You can download it from https://nodejs.org/.

  2. Fork the Repository: Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page to create your own fork.

  3. Clone your forked repository.

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/tacticusplanner.git
    cd tacticusplanner
  4. Install dependencies.

    npm install
  5. Start the development server.

    npm start
  6. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the app.

  7. Make your contributions, commit the changes, and create a pull request. Your contributions are highly appreciated!


  • start: Start the development server using Vite.
  • build: Build the project using TypeScript and Vite.
  • build-ci: Format, lint, and build the project for continuous integration.
  • analyze: Visualize the project's bundle using Vite Bundle Visualizer.
  • preview: Preview the project using Vite.
  • lint-ci: Run ESLint in quiet mode for continuous integration.
  • lint: Run ESLint with autofix on the source files.
  • format: Format the source files using Prettier.
  • format-ci: Check if source files are formatted correctly.

Feel free to explore, contribute, and make this planner even more awesome! 🚀