Food Company

Epicodus: Ruby Independent Project 09/17/2018
By Nicholas Brown


A web application for a mock food company that has comprehensive validations and callbacks to ensure information is properly saved and formatted a database.


Food has many reviews, belongs to user and has one attached image

Reviews will belong to foods.

user has many foods

Webpage's Schema


  • _1 Be able to see the products with the most reviews
    • _Example Input: _
    • _Example Output: _
  • _1 Be able to see the 3 three most recently added reviews
    • _Example Input: _
    • _Example Output: _
  • _1 Leave a review
    • _Example Input: _
    • _Example Output: _
  • _1 See where the food is from by looking at the food location
    • _Example Input: _
    • _Example Output: _
  • _1 Give a review rating between 1 to 5 stars
    • _Example Input: _
    • _Example Output: _
  • _1 The review's content_body must be between 50 and 250 characters.
  • _Example Input: _
  • _Example Output: _
  • _1 All fields have validation that require the fields be filled out, including review rating
  • _Example Input: _
  • _Example Output: _
  • _1
  • _Example Input: _
  • _Example Output: _
  • _1
  • _Example Input: _
  • _Example Output: _

Setup/Contribution Requirements

  1. Clone the repo
git clone <website>
  1. bundle Gems
$bundle install
  1. database
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
  1. host app locally
$rails s
  1. insert localhost with given in terminal into a webpage's URL
localhost:<port number>      ---example--- localhost:3000

Technologies Used

  • Ruby 2.5.0


{This software is licensed under the MIT license}

Copyright (c) 2018 _ Nick Brown _