
Yet Another Space Game. Contains: SpriteKit, SKPhysicsContact, SKTexture, SKEmitterNode, SKAction, SKPhysicsContactDelegate.

Primary LanguageSwift


Yet Another Space Game. The spaceship follows the player's finger and must dodge dangers. The longer you hold out, the more points you will earn. The speed at which new obstacles appear increases gradually. In the event of a collision, the timer stops and all unnecessary nodes are cleared from the screen and the counters are reset to zero. A new label appears offering to start a new game.

This project contains

  • SpriteKit, SKPhysicsContact, SKSpriteNode, SKTexture, SKEmitterNode, SKAction, SKPhysicsContactDelegate, Timer and more
  • Pixel-perfect collision detection, linearDamping, and angularDumping
  • It was interesting to experiment with how functions such as touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnded will behave during joint interaction


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