
Low allocation async/await for C#/.NET

Primary LanguageC#

What is this?

You know how async methods that await something incomplete end up creating a few objects, right? There's the boxed state machine, an Action that moves it forward, a Task[<T>], etc - right?

Well... what about if there just wasn't?

And what if all you had to do was change your async ValueTask<int> method to async PooledValueTask<int>?

And I here you; you're saying "but I can't change the public API!". But what if a PooledValueTask<int> really was a ValueTask<int>? So you can just cheat:

public ValueTask<int> DoTheThing() // the outer method is not async
	return ReallyDoTheThing();
	async PooledValueTask<int> ReallyDoTheThing()
		... await ...

		... return ...

And how about if maybe just maybe in the future it could be (if this happens) just:

[SomeKindOfAttribute] // <=== this is the only change
public async ValueTask<int> DoTheThing()
	// no changes here at all

Would that be awesome? Because that's what this is!

How does that work?

The PooledValueTask[<T>] etc exist mostly to define a custom builder. The builder in this library uses aggressive pooling of classes that replace the boxed approach used by default; we recycle them when the state machine completes.

It also makes use of the IValueTaskSource[<T>] API to allow incomplete operations to be represented without a Task[<T>], but with a custom backer. And we pool that too, recycling it when the task is awaited. The only downside: you can't await the same result twice now, because once you've awaited it the first time, it has gone. A cycling token is used to make sure you can't accidentally read the incorrect values after the result has been awaited.

We can even do this for Task[<T>], except here we can only avoid the boxed state machine (and maybe in the future we can lose the TaskCompletionSource[<T>]); hence PooledTask[<T>] exists too. No custom backing in this case, though, since a Task[<T>] will need to be allocated (except for Task.CompletedTask, which we special-case).

Test results

Based on an operation that uses Task.Yield() to ensure that the operations are incomplete. The thing to note is the zero allocations for PooledValueTask<int> and PooledValueTask.

Disclosure: There's something wrong with 2 results; I haven't got to why yet.

Method Categories Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Gen 1 Gen 2 Allocated
Task int 2,060.952 ns 150.538 ns 8.2515 ns 0.0352 - - 120 B
ValueTask int 2,094.100 ns 193.854 ns 10.6258 ns 0.0391 - - 128 B
PooledValueTask int 2,410.402 ns 350.542 ns 19.2144 ns - - - -
PooledTask int 2,314.172 ns 98.018 ns 5.3727 ns 0.0273 - - 96 B
Task void 2,056.287 ns 87.165 ns 4.7778 ns 0.0352 - - 112 B
ValueTask † void 3.865 ns 9.092 ns 0.4984 ns 0.0001 0.0000 - 1 B
PooledValueTask † void 10.496 ns 11.156 ns 0.6115 ns 0.0001 0.0000 - -
PooledTask void 2,299.826 ns 121.711 ns 6.6714 ns 0.0273 - - 96 B

(I'm not sure that I trust the benchmarks marked †)

The 3 tests do the exact same thing; the only thing that changes is the return type, i.e. whether it is async Task<int>, async ValueTask<int>, async PooledTask<int> or async PooledValueTask<int>.

All of them have the same threading/execution-context/sync-context semantics; there's no cheating going on.